Start of a Transnational Research Project

More than 30 researchers from the University of Bremen and Mahidol University in Thailand as well as other international partners recently initiated a challenging four-year project with a kick-off workshop and a subsequent summer school in Bremen.

It’s a great joy to finally be able to meet again after a long pandemic-induced break and to start a major research project in person. Researchers from the University of Bremen and Thailand’s Mahidol University in Bangkok as well as other experts from Vietnam, Portugal, and France came together in Bremen to begin building a network of excellence for cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the field of tropical medicine.

“Following the kick-off workshop from June 23 to June 25, we are now in the process of specifying our research content and goals and drawing up a roadmap of how we want to proceed over the next four years in a summer school until July 1,” says Professor for Computer Science Anna Förster, who is spearheading the project. The DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) is funding this project with a sum of around 300,000 euros. Thematically, this involves a wide variety of approaches for improvements in the fight against tropical diseases.

Agreement for Doctoral Program Signed

The University of Bremen has been successfully cooperating with Mahidol University in Bangkok – one of the country’s leading universities – for many years, which is why the Mahidol-Bremen Board meeting took place in tandem. “We also signed the renewed Dual Doctoral Degree Program agreement of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science with our Thai partner university,” says Marejke Baethge-Assenkamp, Head of the International Office. “It gives doctoral students the opportunity to participate in a structured joint doctoral program and thus complete an international doctorate.” The agreement was signed by Professor Rolf Drechsler (Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics/Computer Science at the University of Bremen) and Dr. Pattanasak Mongkolwat, Dean of Faculty of ICT Mahidol University. 

A detailed press release on the research project Network of Excellence in Advanced ICT for Tropical Medicine can be found here:

Additional Information:


Prof. Dr. Anna Förster
Chair of Sustainable Communication Networks
University of Bremen
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
Tel.: +49 421 218-62383
Email: anna.foersterprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

They are well versed in the different approaches to modern tropical medicine – and are now building a network of excellence: Researchers from Bremen, Thailand, Vietnam, Portugal, and France met for the kick-off workshop and summer school in Bremen.