Bremen Big Data Challenge Begins

The Cognitive Systems Lab is hosting the Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) once more. Students from universities in Bremen and surrounding areas can take part until April 12, 2021. Monetary prizes totaling 1,500 euros can be won in the programming competition centering on the topic of data analysis.

During the development of this year’s task, the BBDC team worked closely with researchers from the Minds, Media, Machines high-profile area at the University of Bremen. From March 1, to 23:59 p.m. on April 12, 2021, students will have six weeks’ time to find patterns in known data using clever algorithms and analysis methods. The aim is to be able to make forecasts for new data. Acoustic events, such as the meowing of a cat or tolling of bells, must be recognized despite there being varying background noise. The only requirement to take part is knowledge in programming. Either individuals or teams of up to three people can enter. For students of Computer Science at the University of Bremen, participation can count as being the practical part of a seminar, according to the event organizers. Participation is free. The company neuland and Sparkasse Bremen are providing the monetary prizes: The winners will receive 500 euros. Places 2 to 5 will each receive, 400 euros, 300 euros, 200 euros, and 100 euros respectively.

Further Information:

Bremen Big Data Challenge:
Minds, Media, Machines high-profile area:
Cognitive Systems Lab:


Yale Hartmann
Cognitive Systems Lab
University of Bremen

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Students have until April 12, 2021, to take part in the competition.