Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film

A variety of interesting films from around the globe are being shown at this year’s Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film by the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research, University of Bremen. The online and hybrid festival will take place from January 18 to 20, 2022, for the tenth time.

The film festival starts on Tuesday with diverse works from students from all over the world. Topics such as the illness dementia, the life in a marginalized city, or a portraiture of the stereotypes people have of others will be highlighted by researchers.
On Wednesday, topics such as health and everyday life will be interpreted and presented in different ways. The different films focus on the myth of a nurse in Třeboň in Czechoslovakia, the archeology and tourism in Yukatan, the migration route of Russian reindeer breeders, and Dagsverket, which is a place that helps drug addicts in a special way.

Discussions with Filmmakers

The films will be shown in their original language with English subtitles. Afterwards, all filmmakers will be available for questions from the audience. The discussions will take place in English.
Please go to the following website for any further and short-notice information:

Digital Days of Ethnographic Film - Hybrid Final Evening  

The events on Tuesday and Wednesday will take place digitally due to corona. On Thursday, January 20, 2022, the final evening at Kino 46 will take place in a hybrid manner. Participants can partake at the cinema or online. The topic of resistance and the story of an inspirational woman from Senegal will form the focus of the evening.

Further Information:

The following Zoom link will allow you to take part in the events on all three days:

Meeting ID: 969 2996 7686
Password: 972050

Tickets for the event at Kino 46 can be booked via the cinema website:



Dr. Martin Gruber
Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67618
Email: gruberprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
filmtageprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A variety of interesting films from around the globe are being shown at this year’s Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film by the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research, University of Bremen.