Bremen Thesis Award 2021 Awarded

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022, the “unifreunde” association awarded the Bremen Thesis Award for outstanding final theses. Three dissertations and two master’s theses were honored. A special prize for one master’s thesis was sponsored by Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG.

Jutta Günther, Vice President Research at the University of Bremen, congratulated the prize winners at the award ceremony in the City Hall:  "With your final theses, you have not only qualified yourselves as excellent young researchers, but have also proven that you are among the best in your year."   

The “unifreunde” Association of the Friends of the University of Bremen and Jacobs University has been recognizing exceptional graduation achievements since 1983. The vice president thanked the “unifreunde” for their long-standing commitment.  She also expressed her heartfelt thanks to the company Bruker Daltonics GmbH und Co. KG as the donor of a special prize.    

Bremen's State Councilor for Science and Ports, Tim Cordßen-Ryglewski, said:  "The University of Bremen is particularly committed to promoting young researchers.  After all, our knowledge society needs young researchers for the future; they are the highly qualified professionals who will soon play a key role in economic development and progress in every field of science in our society."

The winners of the Bremen Thesis Award 2021 are:

Dissertation in the field of natural sciences and engineering: Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Naatz from the Faculty of Production Engineering on "Energy Levels and Dissolution: Two Predictors of Metal Oxide Nano-Bio Interactions".

Master’s thesis in the field of natural sciences and engineering: Eric Macke from the Faculty of Production Engineering on the topic "Copper hexacyanoferrate as cathode material – an in-depth theoretical investigation with electronic structure methods".

Dissertation in the field of social sciences and humanities: Dr. Georgia Gödecke from the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies on the topic "Design of an e-portfolio in foreign language teacher education to promote subject-specific reflective competence” (“Gestaltung eines e-Portfolios in der Fremdsprachenlehrkräfteausbildung zur Förderung fachspezifischer Reflexionskompetenz”).

Master's thesis in the field of social sciences and humanities: Corina Wieser-Cox from the Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies on the topic "Brujeria in the Borderlands: Portrayals of Mexican American Witchcraft in Hollywood Horror Films”.

Special prize from Bruker Daltonics GmbH & Co. KG in the field of natural and engineering sciences for Dr. Markus Rohdenburg from the Faculty of Biology / Chemistry for his dissertation entitled "Novel Purification Processes for Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBID)” (“Neuartige Aufreinigungsverfahren für die Elektronenstrahl-induzierte Abscheidung (FEBID)”).

Further Information:

The award ceremony at Bremen City Hall
The award ceremony took place at Bremen City Hall. From the left: Eric Macke; Dr. Karsten Michelmann, Bruker Daltonics; State Councilor Tim Cordßen-Ryglewski; Prof. Jutta Günther, University of Bremen; Prof. Bengt Beutler, “unifreunde”; Dr. Georgia Gödecke; Dr.-Ing. Hendrik Naatz