CAMPUS CITY: The University Is Coming to Town

In October, the University of Bremen is putting on lectures, workshops, and exhibitions throughout the city. From October 10 to 23, the second edition of CAMPUS CITY will feature events covering a wide range of topics from the world of science and academia. Tickets are available online.

CAMPUS CITY is the place for inquiring minds to get a clearer picture of academic topics. Numerous venues around Bremen will be playing host to fascinating events suitable for all ages, including MARKTHALLE ACHT, the Übersee-Museum, the Cotton Exchange, and the Metropol Theater.

Why are the shelves still empty? If you have been wondering why this has been the case lately, the presentation on globalized supply chains will be right up your street. How much mathematics goes into self-driving cars? What actually happens to space junk? And how can I practice my language skills on a daily basis? The series of informative and entertaining events will answer these questions and many more. There is also a live demonstration of how robots assist people in their work.

Further Information:

The overview of the entire program:
Tickets are available through Nordwest Ticket and cost 3 euros per ticket. Participants will receive a small welcome drink at the event.


Julia Pundt
Central Event Management
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60116
Email: julia.pundtprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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