Classes Remain Digital Until End of Lecture Period

The regulations for digital classes will be extended at Bremen State universities until the end of the lecture period. Formats that cannot be digitalized, special exam preparations, and final theses will be offered in person.

Level four of the Level Plan for Teaching will be in effect at the University of Bremen until February 4, 2022. This level means that all lectures and the majority of seminars take place digitally. Laboratory sessions and other formats that cannot be digitalized will continue to take place face-to-face on campus, as will classes in degree courses that contain laboratory sessions, of which the face-to-face continuation is important to ensure the ability to study.

The Bremen universities and the Senator for Science and Ports decided on this. With this decision, it is to be ensured that the students can acquire the planned credit points. This also includes the circumstance that students should be able to take their exams in the scheduled period and on the scheduled day.

Learning Spaces for Exam Preparation

The university will be providing more learning spaces for exam preparation. In the GW1, GW2, SFG, and MZH buildings, all teaching rooms will function as working spaces for students between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. from January 17, 2022, onwards. Reservation is not required. The hygiene regulations and the obligation to wear a medical-grade mask (FFP2 masks are strongly recommended) must be adhered to.
Learning spaces are also now available in Bremen State and University Library (SuUB) on Sundays with immediate effect. Library staff will not be in the library on Sundays. The SuUB opening hours have been extended. The SuUB is open between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdays, and from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays. Due to a ventilation defect, there are currently less individual working spaces than usual. This is to be rectified as soon as is possible. Group working spaces are currently not available.

2G Plus rule at the Mensa Cafeteria and Cafe Central

The Mensa cafeteria and Cafe Central are accessible in accordance with the 2G plus rule. Diners must either be vaccinated or recovered and provide proof of a negative rapid test (not older than 24 hours) or negative PCR test (not older than 48 hours) or provide proof of a booster vaccination. The Corona ordinance of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and the relevant regulations for catering and dining companies form the basis for this.

Further Information:

The original German statement from all universities and the senatorial authority.


Glashalle im Sonnenschein