Conference of the North German Federal States on Energy Research

Within the framework of the North German Conference of Science Ministers (NWMK), the major conference on energy research titled "Strong together for the energy transition – impulses for new cooperation between the North German states" took place at the Atlantic Hotel Universum .

The invitation was extended by the Senator for the Environment, Climate, and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf, who is this year's chairperson of the North German Conference of Science Minsters (NWMK). At the meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2023, research alliances exchanged ideas on important energy supply issues. The accelerated expansion of renewable energies poses major challenges for science, industry, and society alike. Wind and solar energy will be greatly developed by 2035, and the heat transition and transformation to a hydrogen-based energy supply in particular will play a crucial role. Senator Kathrin Moosdorf emphasized the important role of researchers in securing the future energy supply: "Our world is facing major challenges, especially in the field of energy. Increasing energy demand, limited resources, and the effects of climate change require innovative solutions and new technologies."

The northern German states of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Hamburg, and Bremen have made it a key research policy priority to bundle their considerable academic potential to an even greater extent. "With their ports and wind energy, the northern German Federal States have a unique selling point with versatile opportunities for the development of a northern German hydrogen economy. Achieving a sustainable energy transition based on hydrogen requires a broad scientific infrastructure that is networked across all sectors and disciplines and cooperates closely," explained Professor Johanna Myrzik, the head of the conference.
Therefore, the cooperation of the Northern energy research associations in five expert groups on wind energy, smart and integrated grids, heat, mobility, and hydrogen is an important factor.


Prof. Dr. -Ing Johanna Myrzik
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62442
Email: myrzikjprotect me ?!iat.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Torben Stührmann, Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Professorin Johanna Myrzik
f.l. Torben Stührmann (Uni Bremen), Senatorin Kathrin Moosdorf, Staatsrätin Irene Strebl, Johanna Myrzik (Uni Bremen)