Lecture on the Digitalization of Academic Education

“Digitalization of Academic Education – Everything Back to Pre-COVID Times or Digital Transformation?” is the topic of the discussion at the 12th Conrad Naber “Visions” lecture, organized by unifreunde and the University of Bremen. It takes place on Monday, September 20, 2021 at “Die Glocke.”

Over the past decade, universities have set out to embrace the potential of digital media to change learning and teaching processes. Concepts such as blended learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have already played an important role. The pandemic has accelerated this process immensely. All of a sudden, teaching staff had to offer courses in digital formats only; and students had to switch from face-to-face classes to virtual ones via videoconferencing systems.

On the one hand, this has shown us the enormous possibilities of digitally supported teaching and learning. On the other hand, it has highlighted the importance of the coexistence of “real-life” and “virtual” spaces. Some questions remain: What of the momentum will remain; what can be transferred in a positive sense for the future of the traditional university; and where did we go astray and what should be avoided if possible? 

Professor Andreas Breiter (Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI) and Chief Digital Officer of the University of Bremen) will introduce and facilitate the discussion. The panelists include:

•    Professorin Jutta Allmendinger, WZB Berlin Social Science Center 
•    Oliver Janoschka, Stifterverband / Hochschulforum Digitalisierung Managing Director 
•    Professor Thomas Hoffmeister, Vice President Academic, University of Bremen
•    Professor Susanne K. Schmidt, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bremen 
•    Bernadette Gruber, Student, Digital Change Maker, FernUniversität Hagen

Growth through knowledge – “Wissenschafft für Bremen:” In keeping with this motto, the Conrad Naber “Visions” lecture, named after its founder, will illustrate the growth potential that can be generated through knowledge using some outstanding examples from Bremen as a science hub.

Please register by September 13, 2021 by writing an email to info@unifreun.de. Please provide your phone number. The event will be in German. The number of participants is limited due to COVID-19 regulations. The current hygiene regulations of “Die Glocke” apply. They are available at www.glocke.de/de/Hygieneregeln (in German). 


Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
University of Bremen
Faculty 3: Mathematics/Computer Science
Information Management working group
Lab Information Management and Media Technology at the Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
Minds, Media, Machines high-profile area
Phone: +49 421 218-56571
Email: abreiterprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Frau am PC
The increased use of digital media has led to changes in the way universities organize teaching and learning. The Conrad Naber Lecture discusses what works, what will remain – and what will disappear again.