Corona Regulations: Further Changes

Auf dem Campus der Universität Bremen wird ab Montag, 14. Juni 2021 die Maskenpflicht im Freien aufgehoben. Das Abstandsgebot von 1,5 Metern gilt weiterhin. Für die Gebäude der Universität Bremen bleiben die bisherigen Regeln bestehen. Außerdem können weitere Lernorte gebucht werden.

All people aged 16 or over must wear a medical-grade made (surgery mask or a mask of the standard FFP2 or similar) indoors. It remains unchanged that children and youths up to the age of 15 must wear a mouth-nose covering. The regulation applies in all areas of movement (entryways, exits, hallways, elevators, etc.), in sanitary facilities, and waiting rooms in university buildings.

Student Learnings Spaces Can Be Booked

Further student learning spaces on campus were opened this week. Students can book the rooms via Stud.IP and then access the buildings using a QR code. Masks must be worn in learning spaces.




Glashalle im Sonnenschein