DFG Funding: Heisenberg Position for Geoscientist

Dr. Michael Fischer from the Faculty of Geosciences will receive Heisenberg funding. The program from the German Research Foundation (DFG) enables extraordinary researchers to prepare for a scientific leadership role and work on advanced research topics during this time.

Whilst he receives Heisenberg funding over a period of five years, Michael Fischer will work on research projects and corresponding classes.  “As material science and geoscience matters are combined in my research, the University of Bremen offers a perfect environment with its focus on these areas,” says Michael Fischer. “I was supported very well during my preparations and am really looking forward to deepening current cooperations and developing new ones.”

Professor Jutta Günther, Vice President Research, emphasizes: “I am elated that Michael Fischer has been accepted in the renowned Heisenberg Program of the DFG. It is a huge success and further proof of the fantastic research environment that the Faculty of Geosciences is at the University of Bremen. Michael Fischer’s high-level research on zeolites, in which he applies methods of computer crystallography to current research questions, is an important part of the research carried out in the high-profile area ‘Materials Sciences and Technologies’ at the University of Bremen.”

Research Focus: Zeolites

Michael Fischer’s research looks at the modeling of the structures and characteristics of zeolites. Zeolites are porous, inorganic materials that are used in various fields, for example as water hardener in detergents, as well as catalysts in large technical processes, such as those in refineries.

The Heisenberg Project

In the frame of the Heisenberg project, Michael Fischer will investigate the adsorption of pharmaceutically active molecules in zeolites. This is interesting for many applications: Zeolites could be used to remove the remains of pharmaceutical products from waste water in this way. A removal of these pollutants that is a comprehensive as possible is not only desirable from an ecological perspective but can also help to stop the forming of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Additionally, zeolites could also be used as carrier materials for the controlled discharging of active agents in the human body. The project’s main aim is to identify particularly promising zeolites for such applications with the help of atomistic modeling methods.

Scientific Path So Far

After studying mineralogy/crystallography and completing a PhD in inorganic chemistry at Universität Hamburg, Michael Fischer spent three years as a post-doctoral researcher at University College London. Since 2014, he has been working in the crystallography group within the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen. He is also active in teaching and as part of university committees alongside his research in the field of material modeling.  

Further Information:





Dr. Michael Fischer
Crystallography Group
Faculty of Geosciences
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-65163
Email: michael.fischerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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