Further Funding for DFG Research training Group

Good news from the German Research Foundation (DFG): They have approved the international training group at the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM) at the University of Bremen for a further four years. The funding amount is around 4 million euros between April 2021 and September 2025.

“I am extremely pleased about the news,” says the head of school, Professor Peter Maaß. “This means that we can continue our work with planning security.” There are currently 18 international doctoral students being trained for the academic and non-academic job markets in the Parameter Identification: Analysis, Algorithms, Applications (Pi³) DFG Research Training Group. The graduates of the first cohort are now working in industry and research. Some of them are working at the University of Cambridge, the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, or in the field of consulting. Professor Jutta Günther, Vice President Research at the University of Bremen, congratulates Professor Maaß and his team: “This training group makes an important contribution to the fostering of our early-career researchers at the University of Bremen. Science and further qualification is taking place on a high level here.”

The mathematical qualification and the promotion of scientific autonomy are the core principles of the DFG group. The new processes that are developed in the Research Training Group are to be exemplary for the optimization of carburetor systems in automobile construction, for the analysis of biological molecules from mass spectrometer data, and for the optical analysis of fiber structures. In order to take the current scientific development into account, there are four research areas: dynamic inverse problems, direct optimization, mathematic data analysis, and statistics. One characteristic of the projects being carried out by the new cohort is the high proportion of artificial intelligence methods that are being analyzed, optimized, and adapted to each application.

About the Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM)

The Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM) is a mathematics research center with a focus on applications in engineering and life sciences. With modern methods from applied mathematics, the entire process of problem solving is addressed – from modelling and mathematical analysis to the development of software and simulations. Cooperation projects with partners from the economy and science are intensely incorporated into the research and training of students at ZeTeM.

Further Information:



Prof. Dr. Peter Maaß
Center for Industrial Mathematics (ZeTeM)
Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-63801
Email: pmaassprotect me ?!math.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Group picture with cheering young men and women
High level, international support for early-career researchers at the University of Bremen. The photo shows the second cohort of PhD students from the DFG Research Training Group.