The University is Getting a Makeover

After nearly twenty years, the University of Bremen is implementing a new corporate design (CD). Young, dynamic, diverse, and open-minded – these aspects characterize the new logo and appearance.

The introduction of the new corporate design is happening right on time for the university’s 50th birthday. “We are looking forward to going into 2021 – our jubilee year – with a new look that is both contemporary and also reflects our values,” says Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, President of the University of Bremen.

Young, dynamic, diverse, and open-minded – that is how the university will present itself from now on. The 20-year-old logo has been modernized and a new, fitting appearance developed. “The new corporate design is fitting for the time and unmistakable,” according to Scholz-Reiter. “The design guidelines and elements are easy to apply and ensure a consistent appearance across all types of media,” Friederike Moschner is sure. The marketing expert supervised the updating of the corporate design as project manager.

Logo, Typeface, and Colors

The new University of Bremen logo is still made up of a red “U” and black writing. The graphic development becomes clear at second glance but determines the perception in its entirety. “The reduced “U” is far clearer and as open as the university is itself,” says Friederike Moschner. The new typeface underlines the timeless, modern look.

Colors play a special role in the new corporate design. The many gradients and combinations stand for the diversity at the University of Bremen. “Different red and blue tones produce a trusted color climate and allow for the design of new media to be more individual, varied, and lively in combination with five additional colors,” according to Moschner.

Successive Implementation

The corporate design elements and guidelines will be successively published over the course of the jubilee year 2021. “We will start with the foundations and will then expand the portfolio piece-by-piece,” reports Friederike Moschner. She is particularly pleased that the implementation happens to be at the same time as the university’s birthday. “We are getting a makeover just at the right time.”


Friederike Moschner
Administrative Unit for Communication and Marketing – COMMA
University of Bremen
Email: marketingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

New Corporate Design