Digitalization: Students Support Bremen’s Retail Sector

In a pilot project, master’s students from the University of Bremen have supported Bremen’s retail sector in digitalization. The project is a cooperation between the university and the “Digital Guides” (“Digitallotsen”), an initiative of Bremen State and Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen (WFB).

Sustainable ideas for the strengthening of the digitalization competences of Bremen’s retail industry – that is the aim of the “Digital Retail Consulting for Bremen” project at the University of Bremen. “Many companies simply do not have the time or capacities to develop a digital strategy in a comprehensive manner,” explains Professor Maik Eisenbeiß from the markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology at the university. Master’s students with a study focus on the area of Marketing and Entrepreneurship have taken on this task in close cooperation with each company and have created ideas for online shops, produced social media posts, as well as optimized websites for search engines.

“The retailers receive fitting solutions for the digitalization of their store. At the same time, our students are able to apply theoretical aspects in reality, gain important experience in project management, and get to know the consulting service,” says Professor Kristina Klein, who is head of the Consumer Behavior working group at the markstones Institute. The first successes were quickly visible: New Instagram posts generated far more clicks than previously registered.

Project Will Continue in the Winter Semester 2021/22

A total of four student groups – with two to four members each – and four stores, spanning from fine foods to natural cosmetics and interior design, were involved. Some of the companies that took part were Bauhof Wohnimpuls and NaturWerk.

The master’s seminar “Digital Retail Consulting for Bremen” is a cooperation between the markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology at the University of Bremen and the “Digital Guides” (“Digitallotsen”) from Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen (WFB). The Digital Guides team is a part of Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen and receives project funds from the Senator for Economy, Labor, and Europe.

In the winter semester 2021/22, the project is to be continued and in the best case, be made permanent. Retailers who are interested in taking part can contact the Digital Guides team from Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen.

Further Information:

WFB article on the pilot project (in German only): (in German only)
Contact partner: Malte Breford, email: malte.brefordprotect me ?!wfb-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Prof. Dr. Maik Eisenbeiß
Head of Digital Marketing working group
markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66740
Email: eisenbeissprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein
Head of Consumer Behavior working group
markstones Institute of Marketing, Branding & Technology
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66970
Email: kkleinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Nachhaltige Ideen, um die Digitalisierungskompetenzen des Einzelhandels in Bremen zu stärken – das ist das Ziel des Projekts.
Sustainable ideas for the strengthening of the digitalization competences of Bremen’s retail industry – that is the aim of the project.