Education and Digitization: Maren Petersen Appointed to Federal Government Committee

The Vice President for Teaching and Studies at the University of Bremen, Prof. Maren Petersen, will advise the German government on the topic of education in the digital transformation. She has been appointed as a member of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research's "Digital Summit" platform.

"Digital education is now part of everyday life at universities," says Vice President Maren Petersen. "This makes it all the more important that we find answers to the many new technological options and learn to use the opportunities they offer in a profitable way. I am pleased to be able to contribute to the topic of ‘Education in the Digital Transformation.’ At the University of Bremen, we have made great strides in the digitization of teaching in recent years. I would like to bring this experience to the table."

The German government's Digital Summit was launched as a central platform for politically shaping the digital awakening and aims to address the central fields of action of the digital transformation across seven thematic platforms.

In the new "Lernende Systeme" (Learning Systems) platform, representatives from business, academia, and society are developing projects for the Digital Summit in the areas of "Research and Technology" and "Education in the Digital Transformation." The German government's goal is to "leverage the potential of the key technology of artificial intelligence for society, business, and academia – and thus for Germany as a key location – in the best possible and responsible manner."
For this purpose, the BMBF is appointing permanent members to the Education in the Digital Transformation segment and also nominating additional members – in each case for a limited period of one year and based on the respective annual theme of the summit.
Vice President Maren Petersen, Professor within the Faculty of Production Engineering and part of The Institute Technology and Education at the University of Bremen, will become a permanent member of the "Education in the Digital Transformation" area.

The first "Education in the Digital Transformation" meeting will be held in Berlin on May 17, 2023.

Further Information:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Maren Petersen
Vice President for Teaching and Studies
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60031
Email: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:]
Prof. Maren Petersen will advise the German government on the topic of education in the digital transformation.