Educational Equity in Bremen – Dialog Event and Award Ceremony on June 28

Why does educational success still strongly depend on socioeconomic status, and how can this be changed? The "Weitwinkel Bildung" network is organizing a dialog event on this topic on June 28, at which the "Bremer Bildungsgerechtigkeit konkret" prize will also be awarded.

The event will take place at 4:00 p.m. at Bremen's Schütting (Am Markt 13). Three different representatives from academia and politics as well as a school pupil will have their say as experts. To mark the end of the event, the "Weitwinkel Bildung" initiative will award the "Bremer Bildungsgerechtigkeit konkret" prize. The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and a jury consisting of teacher education students chooses the winners. The award will be presented to a total of three projects that address the issue of educational equity and aim to support and challenge children, adolescents, and young adults. Entry is free and interested persons are asked to register by sending an email to escdidprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Monika Huesmann, Professor of Organisation, Human Resource, and Information Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, will provide a first impulse. Huesmann pursued her career via the secondary educational route and is involved in the "" initiative.

Her contribution will be supplemented by a presentation by Michael Frost, head of the Bremerhaven Department of Education and Culture. Frost was full-time managing director of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen city council faction from 1992 to 2003. Since 2008, he has directed the Integrierte Stadtteilschule Bremerhaven (Integrated City District School Bremerhaven).

Jasmina Heritani will speak as a representative of the practical field. Heritani is head of the Department of German as a Foreign Language at the Volkshochschule Bremen. Since 2016, she has been chairperson of the Syrian Exile Cultural Association (SEKu e.V.). Furthermore, she was elected to the Bremen State Parliament as a member of the SPD in 2019.

Stefania-Andra Stanciu, a high school student, will also sit on the podium. She is graduating from the Gesamtschule-West (Comprehensive School West) this school year. With the project "Assistance in Applying for a Bremen Passport in Different Languages on the GSW School Homepage," she wants to help overcome language barriers at her school.

The event will be hosted by author, journalist, and presenter Jan-Martin Wiarda.

“Weitwinkel Bildung,” an alliance of stakeholders from education, politics, and academia that is looking for new perspectives for Bremen’s education system, is organizing the afternoon. It is being financially supported by the Schütting Foundation and realized in cooperation with the project "Shaping Interfaces" at the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZfLB) at the University of Bremen.


Further Information: (in German only) (in German only)



Prof. Dr. Sabine Doff
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-68170
Email: doffprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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