Eleventh Ethnographic Film Festival in Bremen

For the eleventh time, the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research at the University of Bremen is playing host to the Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film. From January 24 to 26, 2023, a total of 15 current international productions from the field of ethnographic film will be screened.

Staff and students of the department finalized the list of films together in a seminar – putting together a diverse program comprising national and international productions, a wide range of topics, and innovative approaches. The films selected by the students use different narrative strategies and document a broad variety of cultural and social phenomena from all over the world.

Hybrid Event with Numerous Filmmakers Attending in Person

“We are particularly pleased that so many filmmakers are coming to Bremen to participate in discussions. Because the film festival not only thrives on exciting and interesting works but also on the lively exchange between the public, filmmakers, and students,” says Dr. Martin Gruber, one of the organizers of the film festival. Other guests will attend these discussions virtually.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the film screenings will take place on the University of Bremen campus. Thursday evening will be the highlight, with the festival drawing to a close. Culture enthusiasts from Bremen will then be invited to Kino City 46, a movie house, where they can listen to cinematic stories on the topic of migration.

Highlights of the Three-Day Film Festival

The festival will kick off on Tuesday, January 24, with the evening featuring works by students. These include stories on the refugees from Ukraine, the everyday life of inland skippers, and queer-feminist utopias. On Wednesday, 25 January, the films will focus on the decolonization of museums and archives.

On the final day, Thursday, 26 January, the venue will move to the City 46 cinema, where the topic of migration will take center stage: the film Dea tells the story of an Indonesian migrant worker in Hong Kong in an ethnic-fiction format, while Unwritten Letters is filmed in collaboration with a refugee from Syria and tells of his arrival in Europe.

Further Information:

Bremen Days of Ethnographic Film, January 24–26, 2023

  • January 24 and 25: at 6:15 p.m., University of Bremen campus (free admission)
  • January 26: at 8 p.m., Kino City 46, Birkenstrasse 1, 28195 Bremen (admission ticket: 9 euros, discounted ticket: 4 euros)

Guests who are unable to attend in person can use Zoom to participate. The link will be made available on the website soon: https://blogs.unibremen.en/ethnofilmtage/




Martin Gruber
Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-67618
Email: filmtageprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:] Ausschnitt aus dem Film "Wir sind alle Kanaken".
Still from the film „We are all ,Kanaken'“.