First Online Info Week for Uni Parents

Such events are an important part of a family-friendly university: From November 8 to 12, the first online information week for parents who are university members will take place at the University of Bremen.

Experts will present different topics: (Fairly) distributing family tasks and mental load, support and networks for solo parents in Bremen, parental pay and parental leave, being a parent and the “WissZeitVG” law (law on temporary contracts in academia), fathers split between children and career, as well as rainbow families. All events will take place before noon. It is possible to take part in the event during working hours, as long no urgent tasks are neglected.

Finding Out More about Support Offers

“It is important to me that many parents take part in the info week and find out more about the support services on offer and their rights and obligations as parents,” states the university’s director of finance and administration, Frauke Meyer. She has first-hand experience of the challenge that is reconciling one’s career and family.

The fact that families and parents come in many diverse constellations forms the background of the event. It is important for parents that they know the support services available for their own circumstances. The information week should help them in finding suitable offers.

Alongside the days for parents, which is taking place for the first time, the University of Bremen also hosts the Study Work Life Week each spring.

The detailed schedule and registration options for the individual events can be found on the info week website at


Samira Abdel Wahed
Phone: +49 421 218-60857
Email: samira.abdel.wahedprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Bettina Schweizer
Equal Opportunities Office (Administrative unit 04)
Phone: +49 421 218-60182
Email: bettina.schweizerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Mann mit Kind
Parents and families come in many diverse constellations. The online info week for parents that are members of the university provides information on the support services on offer for individual circumstances.