Exhibition on Identity and the Daily Lives of Queer People

Queer life - what exactly does it mean? The “LGBTwho+?” exhibition that can be seen in windows in Bremen and online from Saturday, June 26, to the end of July 2021, will address this question. The idea for the exhibition came from cultural studies students. They want to give the queer scene a voice.

LGBTQI+ is an initialism for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, and intersex. The “+” stands for further identities. Many people are aware of the initialism, but what it exactly means in day-to-day life for people is often unclear.

The visitors of the window exhibition “LGBTwho+” in two of Bremen’s bars can now find out more. The exhibition was organized by cultural studies students from the University of Bremen and supervised by the lecturer Dr. Jan Oberg. “With this project, we want to make the queer community visible and challenge all observers to take a look at their own prejudices,” says the student Monique Rosenberger. “That is why we address topics such as discrimination, stereotyping, and privileges. We want to reach out to many interested people, also those outside the queer community, with our exhibition.”

Exhibition in Display Windows and Online

From June 26, to the end of July 2021, the project can be seen in the chosen windows and online on its own website. The website will still be available after the exhibition ends. Those who take a look will find the topic exactly where it affects people: In the middle of society, at places that are accessible for everyone at any time.

Exhibition visitors can see a mixture of videos and framed images in the windows of the Tequila and Urlaub bars. The videos show compositions of individual experiences from various people in Bremen. What does queer mean to them? How has their environment changed? The exhibition does not talk about people but with them: In this way, personal insights into the queer community become possible.

“Queer Spaces” and “Diverse Things”

One part of the project presents “queer spaces” that become visible in framed images and sketches of community locations. They show places where people feel comfortable and safe, where they are accepted as they are. Other analogue exhibition pieces are “diverse things,” which can also be seen in framed images. The participants were asked: “Which object symbolizes the queer community for you?” The results were a colorful mix of objects that many people would not usually connect to the term “queer.”

Website with Videos and Texts

In addition to the window exhibition, there is a newly established website that can be reached via a QR code, or “queer code” or via blogs.uni-bremen.de/lgbtwho/. You can watch all full-length videos there and read / listen to the stories surrounding the objects and places.


The students have received support for their project thanks to cooperations with Rat & Tat, Queeraspora, Straßentauben Kollektiv, YES TO EVERYONE, Bildplantage 13 GmbH, the Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research at the University of Bremen, and the Bremen bars Tequila and Urlaub.

Further Information:

Instagram: @lgbtwhoplus


Canan Venzky:
cvenzkyprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Monique Rosenberger:
rosenmonprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Jan C. Oberg
Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67614
Email: jcobergprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Queer life - what exactly does it mean? The “LGBTwho+?” exhibition will address this question. The idea for the exhibition came from cultural studies students.