Federal Government Sustainability Conference at the University of Bremen

On Thursday, December 7, 2023, experts from science, society, and politics will come together at the University of Bremen for a major regional conference of the federal government on the topic of sustainability.

The University of Bremen is hosting a major conference on sustainability this week. Under the title "Shaping the Future – Transformation, Together, Now!" ("Zukunft gestalten – Transformation, gemeinsam, jetzt!"), the federal government is inviting participants to the regional conference to further develop the German Sustainability Strategy (DNS) together. After a kick-off event in Berlin in October, the discussion will now continue in Bremen.

Sustainability Is a Guiding Principle at the University of Bremen

President Jutta Günther: "We are delighted that the University of Bremen has been selected for the conference. As places of education and research, universities are important catalysts for the sustainability transformation that is needed worldwide. We as a university would like to make a contribution to this, in which all faculties are expressly involved."
On November 15, 2023, the University's Academic Senate unanimously approved a new mission statement. In this statement, the University of Bremen commits itself to the social and ecological changes needed worldwide, to democracy, diversity, and justice. Jutta Günther emphasizes: "It was the students at our university who significantly accelerated the process. There are now contributions to the sustainability transformation across the entire campus and in all faculties."

Representatives from Academia, Society, and Politics Come Together

Participants will discuss local climate protection and social issues as well as the contribution that science can make in various plenary sessions and workshops. In addition to Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte, Bremen's Senator for Climate, Environment, and Science, Kathrin Moosdorf, and Sarah Ryglewski, Minister of State for Federal Government-State Relations and Sustainable Development at the Federal Chancellery, will also be taking part in the event. Students and representatives of social organizations will also be involved. The results of the conference will be incorporated into the further refinement of the German Sustainable Development Strategy. "It is important to not only look at the technical and natural sciences aspects of sustainability, but also the social sciences and humanities, both here in Bremen and worldwide," says President Jutta Günther. "The preservation of the natural foundations of life is an urgent global challenge."

Further Information:



Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther
President of the University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60011


On Thursday, December 7, 2023, experts from science, society, and politics will come together at the University of Bremen for a major regional conference of the federal government on the topic of sustainability.