First Regulation Relaxations on Campus

Level two of the level Plan for Teaching applies on the University of Bremen campus with immediate effect. All lectures, seminars, practical sessions, and tutorials can once again take place in person. The obligation to wear an FFP2 mask in all indoor spaces will remain.

As it is possible to book student learning spaces again, the learning spaces that were offered previously in teaching rooms in SFG, MZH, GW1, and GW2 Building will no longer be available - this will come into effect at the start of the summer semester lecture period at the latest. Individual rooms may even be used for events/classes before that point and may therefore no longer be available for learning.

The obligation to wear an FFP2 mask in all indoor spaces will remain in its current form. Outdoors, a mask only needs to be worn when social distancing is not possible.

Flags on the campus of the university