Frauke Meyer is Director of Finance and Administration at the University of Bremen

The University of Bremen now has a female director of finance and administration: Frauke Meyer took on the role of administrative head on January 1, 2021. Her term in office will last eight years.

“I wish Frauke Meyer a great start in her new role as director of finance and administration,” states the president of the University of Bremen, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter. “Everyone on the University Executive Board is looking forward to being able to work with her in the coming years.” The AS (AS) made the relevant decision during a meeting on July 15, 2020. Said decision confirmed the suggestion of the president to appoint Frauke Meyer as Dr. Martin Mehrtens’ successor. Dr. Mehrtens retired at the end of 2020 after having filled the position for nearly eight years.

“Acquired Great Recognition through Expert Knowledge and Integrative Leadership Style”

“With Frauke Meyer, an experienced budgetary expert is taking on the role of director of finance and administration at the University of Bremen,” according to State Councilor Tim Cordßen. “Ms. Meyer has been working at the University of Bremen since 1995 and has acquired great recognition through her expert knowledge and integrative leadership style during this time. I am looking forward to working together with her and am sure that Frauke Meyer will set the tone for the successful development of the University of Bremen in the coming years.”

“Continue to Lead the University through the Pandemic”

Not only the management of the under-financed university budget and the securing of the Science Plan goals will prove to be great challenges for the new director of finance and administration. Directly at the beginning of her term in office, the pandemic will be dictating her daily tasks: “It is initially important to continue to lead the university with its students and staff through this turbulent time,” explains Frauke Meyer. “Life and work conditions are asking a great deal of us all at the moment,” according to the director of finance and administration. “I would like to thank everyone at the university for their above-average dedication and creativity in overcoming this crisis together.”

Modern human resource development and process-oriented organizational changes are important to the new director of finance and administration. “We have already achieved a reasonable amount in many areas,” she states. “It is now time to work step-by-step so that the changes reach the entire university.” The university will have to master challenges in the coming years. For example, together with the YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – network, the university is creating one of the first European universities. On a national level, the university hopes to be successful in the Excellence Strategy. In order to reach these goals, the university needs to be well positioned in terms of human resources and must be a place where staff and students enjoy learning and working.

“Every Single Person Here Is Important”

The university’s 50th birthday this year is a great opportunity for the new director of finance and administration to return to the University of Bremen’s core principles. “Every single person here is important – regardless of which task they complete at this institution.” Frauke Meyer hopes that all staff members can truly celebrate what they have achieved together in this jubilee year.
Frauke Meyer grew up in Lower Saxony and went to school in Bremerhaven up until her university entry qualifications. She then read business studies in Marburg an der Lahn. She has been connected to the University of Bremen since 1995 and is extremely familiar with the institution. The trained businessperson and financial controller took on the leadership of the Administrative Unit for Finance Controlling when it was established. The 51-year-old has also been the head of the Administrative Department for Third-Party Funding and Personnel Budget at the university since 2014 and prior to her appointment as director of finance and administration, she was her predecessor’s – Dr. Martin Mehrtens – deputy.

Further Information:



Frauke Meyer
Director of Finance and Administration
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60101
Email: kanzlerinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Christina Selzer
University Communication and Marketing
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 0421 218-60158
Email: christina.selzerprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Frauke Meyer, with short hair, jacket and glasses, stands in the "Glasshalle". In the background, you can see the green trees on campus.
Frauke Meyer is a recognized budgetary expert and has a great deal of leadership experience.