“Freiraum 2022”: Innovative Teaching Receives Funding

The University of Bremen is receiving funding to support innovative teaching as part of the "Freiraum 2022" call for proposals. Four projects have been selected by the "Innovation in der Hochschullehre" foundation. With this funding, lecturers can develop and test new ideas.

The successful projects impressed with their innovative potential. Their approaches go beyond existing teaching and learning settings and trial new ideas for teaching and studying. The project selection committee chose the best ideas in a competitive, science-led process. The University of Bremen will receive a total of more than one million euros for the four projects.

The projects at the University of Bremen at a glance:

Within the framework of "Fachdidaktik.inklusiv.digital" modular content for student teachers, trainee teachers, and teaching staff will be developed over the next two years, which can be used equally in face-to-face or "blended learning" seminars. The latter are forms of learning in which the advantages of face-to-face classes and e-learning are combined, but which can also be used for self-study. For this purpose, experts from schools and the field of didactics are systematically involved. The project leader is Professor Frank J. Müller, Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences.

"Immersive Transformationsräume der Nachhaltigkeit - ImmerNa" aims to develop an online course in virtual reality. Thematically, the focus is on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. For this purpose, a virtual SDG building will be set up over the course of four semesters, which will contain 18 rooms: 17 goal rooms and an entrance portal. Students of the University of Bremen are involved in the content and didactic design as part of the courses. Subsequently, the VR building will be available to all students in the eGeneral Studies area to enable them to have their own cognitive and emotional experiences on the topic of sustainability in the virtual world. Examination forms still have to be developed for this purpose. The project manager is Dr. Denis Pijetlovic, Managing Director of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability.

In the project "Lost in Translation?" students produce science communication videos about teaching and learning languages. School children want to know why they should learn a foreign language in the first place. Parents are interested in concrete digital solutions for teaching and learning languages at school in times of school closures and distance learning. Media representatives are interested in innovative concepts and media-effective model projects that, for example, answer the question of how one can effectively learn a language independently. Within the framework of a foreign language didactics module, students of Romance studies are taught to deal with these and other fundamental questions of the public on foreign language research and to produce science communication videos for a scientific channel on YouTube that is supervised by the students. Project leaders are Dr. Georgia Gödecke and Professor Andreas Grünewald, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies.

"Schreiben, Publizieren, Reflektieren integriert in die Fachlehre durch Booksprints" is the title of a funded collaborative project. In Booksprints, students work together in different roles and with the help of creative and didactic writing methods to write a text – such as a research article or a popular science contribution – within one week, which is then published. In the process, students acquire important competencies that enable them to act responsibly even outside the university context – for example, the skills of cooperation, communication and self-direction, information literacy, and problem-solving. Within the framework of the project, several “booksprints” will be carried out at the universities of Bremen, Cologne, and the SRH University of Applied Sciences Berlin in order to work out how such a format can succeed and, based on this, to develop a didactic handout that is freely accessible (a so-called open educational resource). The project leader is Professor Sarah Brommer, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies.

The Foundation:

Since 2021, the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation ("Innovation in der Hochschullehre") has been committed to innovations in teaching and learning throughout Germany. To this end, it supports projects at individual universities or collaborative projects. Furthermore, the foundation creates networking opportunities for educators, strengthens the transfer of knowledge, and promotes the exchange of project results, successes, and challenges. The federal and state governments are providing all the funding for this new scientific institution.


Prof. Dr. Frank J. Müller
Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences
Phone: +49 421 218-69305
Email: frankj.muellerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Denis Pijetlovic
Faculty of Business Studies & Economics
Managing Director of the Virtual Academy of Sustainability
Phone: +49 421 218-66782
Email: denis.pijetlovicprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Prof. Dr. Andreas Grünewald/ Dr. Georgia Gödecke
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Email: gruenewaldprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de
Email: goeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Prof. Dr. Sarah Brommer
Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Studies
Phone: +49 421 218-68320
Email: sarah.brommerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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