future concepts bremen: innovative solutions within 100 days

Students from the university presented innovative solutions for Bremen-based companies and institutions. Industry partners included the Federal Employment Agency, hanseWasser and TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation. The Demo Day took place in Sparkasse Bremen's Campus Space.

The innovation solutions were developed by 37 students as part of their “Digital Innovation Projects” course. They were closely supervised by lecturer Leon Marquardt and tutor Silke Melzer-Counen during regular coaching sessions. This year’s industry partners were the Bremen-Bremerhaven Federal Employment Agency, ATS Buntentor e. V., hanseWasser GmbH, the V-Büro at the office of the Senator for Finance, Sparkasse Bremen and TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation gGmbH.

future concepts bremen (fcb) is an innovative teaching format. It brings students and industry partners together. Teams from different disciplines develop business model innovations within 100 days with non-profit, public and private sector organizations. fcb implements the basic idea of research-based learning and supports the transfer of knowledge and technology to the economy and society. Innovative business models are regularly created through cooperation between scientists, industry partners, and students, and often end up being implemented.

Strong interest from industry partners in business model innovations by students

“In 2017, we broke new ground with the industry projects at our chair – with great success. The students and industry partners were, and still are, enthusiastic. To date, a variety of innovative business models have been developed and implemented. A new version every semester is a must for us”, says Professor Dr Jörg Freiling, holder of the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX - Lehrstuhls für Mittelstand, Existenzgründung und Entrepreneurship) in Faculty 7, Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen. “We want to give our students the opportunity to apply the methodological knowledge they have acquired during their studies into business practice, expand their soft skills and further develop themselves on a personal level. At the same time, this also includes getting a taste of different professional fields, which is good for career orientation. And the number of interested practical partners is steadily increasing, even with regard to the early recruitment of specialists.”

future concepts bremen are carried out by the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) at the University of Bremen and are initiated and supported by the Senator for Economy, Labor, and Europe.

Industry partners and projects

Federal Employment Agency Bremen – Bremerhaven | Communication design
Development of a concept for the (target group-specific) addressing of unemployed customers (with target group-specific cover letters).

ATS Buntentor e. V. | Sponsoring & Sports Marketing
Development of a sponsorship strategy for ATS Buntentor e.V. with a sponsor folder.

hanseWasser GmbH | Agile working methods
Analysis of the current situation to understand agile working methods at hanseWasser GmbH and development of a concept for an explanatory video.

TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation gGmbH | Project: #MOIN!
Concept for positioning TOPAS Industriemathematik Innovation gGmbH as a representative for the model region Industrial Mathematics #MOIN!, and developing ways to acquire customers for respective applications.

Senator for Finance V-Büro | Co-working

Development of a marketing concept for the co-working spaces in the Altes Tabakspeicher 2 project

Sparkasse Bremen | Error reports
Process analysis of internal fault reports at Sparkasse Bremen and

development of alternative user-friendly reporting channels.
Sparkasse Bremen | Campus Space

Development of a communication concept for the marketing of Sparkasse Bremen’s Campus Space

Sparkasse Bremen | Metaverse
Analysis of application scenarios for the metaverse as part of Sparkasse Bremen's business model

Further Information:



Professor Jörg Freiling
Head of the LEMEX Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-66870
Email: freilingprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zusammengeknülltes Papier, aus dem ein Origami-Kranich wird. Steht sinnbildlich für eams verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die Geschäftsmodellinnovationen erstellen.
Teams verschiedener Fachrichtungen entwickeln in 100 Tagen Geschäftsmodellinnovationen.