Start a Business? No Problem! Start-Up Day on June 7

Becoming self-employed after or even during your degree? Establishing a new business - how? Answers to many questions surrounding starting a new business will be provided at the University of Bremen start-up day on June 7, as part of the OPEN CAMPUS WEEK. The motto: “Start a Business? No Problem!”

On Monday, June 7, 2021, the digital live-program will center around “Start a Business? But How? - Support Opportunities on the Path to Self-Employment” from 4 p.m. onwards. BRIDGE, LEMEX, Digital Hub Industry, Hilfswerft, Starthaus Bremen, and Sparkasse Bremen are also taking part.  The support services at the University of Bremen and topics such as social entrepreneurship, funding programs, and the financing of start-ups will form the focus. After short impulse talks, those interested in starting their own business will have the chance to talk to the different parties in breakout sessions.

Experience Reports and Prototypes of Bremen Start-Ups

At 7 p.m. on June 7, the 13th Bremen StartUp Lounge from the university network BRIDGE in cooperation with the Inno-Quarter EU project will take place. This time, the motto is “Start a Business? No Problem!  - Experience Reports and Prototypes of Bremen Start-Ups.” You can listen to people speak of their experiences, talk directly to Bremen entrepreneurs, and test prototypes. Professor Jutta Günther, Vice President Research at the University of Bremen, will open the 13th Bremen StartUp Lounge.

In the first part of the lounge event, two entrepreneurial teams from the University of Bremen will talk about their diverse experiences whilst starting their businesses. What helped their businesses to grow? What was in their opinion a great help? Which mistakes would they not make again? By passing on these tips, they hope to inspire and motivate others to stay strong even when there are set backs. In a relaxed and lively atmosphere, the following guests will speak about their experiences during short interviews:

Janina Clasen and Jan Elsner: They develop digital solutions for safe at-home UV therapies for chronic skin illnesses (Skinuvita).

Morin Kamga Fobissie and Stephan Frost: They stand for fair and sustainable coffee from small farmers in Cameroon and Uganda (Utamtsi GmbH).

In the second part of the event and as part of the EU project Inno-Quarter, three teams will present their ideas and hope to get talking to interested parties. Inno-Quarter offers the chance for innovation to be tested. It is all about presenting prototypes and giving and receiving feedback - in a joint exchange with the participants. The teams:

Hagen Prott, Phil Forner, and Moritz Schlebusch: They are developing a transparent and simple donation system for companies. Via a QR code,  end customers are to decide which help organization should receive a donation (Karma-Boost).

Elif Bagci, Fany Bowt, Susanne Karamanc, and Nawdeep Kaur: They makes homes more beautiful with individual styles by means of the decoration boxes in a sustainable cycle (Décors).

“Förderfrage”: They help companies to identify suitable financing options (a brand from the young innovey GmbH from Bremen)

You can meet the two start-ups and the three Inno-Quarter teams after the breakout sessions and network with them and other interested persons.

Players in the Field of Entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen

BRIDGE is a central point of contact for students and members of Bremen’s universities for all matters surrounding starting a business. The university initiative BRIDGE is organized by University of Bremen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, Jacobs University, and Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH. BRIDGE has the aim of improving the entrepreneurial climate at all involved universities and supporting promising ideas with entrepreneurial potential at an early stage.

UniTransfer is the central interface at the University of Bremen between university, the economy, and society. The experts from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Office support cooperations and projects across the whole spectrum of the university’s subjects. This spans from starting a business, to the implementation of inventions, the acquisition of experts and leaders, the coordination of school projects, and the management of the University of Bremen Foundation and the university’s fundraising.

The Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) led by Professor Jörg Freiling passes on theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of starting a business and entrepreneurship in many classes. Future concepts bremen organizes digital innovation projects between organizations and companies, as well as students at the University of Bremen. The projects are supervised by LEMEX and funded by the Senator's Office for Economy, Labor, and Europe. Inno-Quarter is an EU-funded project and part of the INTERREG North Sea Region Program. It aims for the early promotion of innovation and sustainable economic growth in the North Sea region by means of early-phase testing of entrepreneurial concepts at events (


Further Information: (in German only) (in German only)


Meike Goos
University of Bremen
BRIDGE Entrepreneur Support Network
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 



Answers to many questions surrounding starting a new business will be provided at the University of Bremen start-up day on June 07, 2021.