Gründungsradar: University of Bremen a Front Runner

When the topic is start-up support, the University of Bremen is one of the top universities in Germany. In the current “Gründungsradar 2020” (Start-up Radar 2020) ranking from the Stifterverband, the university places 11th among the big universities.

Since 2012, the Stifterverband has been observing the university start-up climate as part of “Gründungsradar” ranking and reflects which universities provide particularly good support for the establishment of companies. Topics such as networking, internationalization, and diversity among the prospective entrepreneurs were the focus of the current edition of the ranking. The results of the national comparison acknowledge the University of Bremen and the BRIDGE network’s activities.

In the total ranking of large universities with more than 15,000 students, Bremen lands on spot 11 and the success of individual methodical components is even bigger. The university does particularly well in the categories “anchoring of the entrepreneurship at the university,” “entrepreneurial activities,” “start-up support programs,” as well as “networking in the field of entrepreneurship.”

Vice President: Success Thanks to Networks and Internationalization

Professor Jutta Günther, Vice President Research at the University of Bremen, is happy about the repeated success. “We have once again confirmed our position at the top in Germany with exemplary performance and have been front runners for several years now. That is an outstanding success for our entrepreneurial advisors and the established offers we have as part of the BRIDGE university network.”

Dr. Martin Heinlein, head of the knowledge and technology transfer office UniTranfer and managing director of BRIDGE emphasizes: “The trend towards internationalization and event offers in English were quickly integrated and implemented in the BRIDGE network.” Additionally, BRIDGE consults with around 160 start-up projects per year and offers over 40 events on start-up sensitization and qualification with over 900 participants (e.g. StartUp-Workout or StartUp-Lounge).

The network has successfully attained around nine million euros in funding from the national EXIST Program for the support of numerous scientific start-ups since 2007. The “CAMPUSiDEEN” competition with prizes amounting to around 15,000 euros completes the package. Since 2003 and in 16 years, over 700 contributions have been submitted. This makes CAMPUSiDEEN one of the most continual national competitions of its type.

Many Start-Up-Relevant Classes

“It is great that we now have many start-up-relevant classes within the curriculum. In 2019, there were around 25 classes with more than 1,000 participants in total. That applies to all faculties,” says Heinlein pleased.

An especially high quantity of classes take place at the Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX). “It is from our student projects that ever more start-ups are established and there is great, increasing interest in the start-up scene and mentality,” explains Professor Jörg Freiling, LEMEX chairholder.

About the Start-Up Support at the University and in Bremen State

The BRIDGE university network is the central contact point for students, alumni, and members of the Bremen universities in entrepreneurial matters. The University of Bremen, Bremen City University of Applied Sciences, Jacobs University Bremen, and Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH are BRIDGE sponsors. BRIDGE has the aim of improving the start-up climate at all involved universities and provides early support for the start-up potential of promising ideas.

UniTransfer is the central interface between university, economy, and society at the University of Bremen. The experts from the knowledge and technology transfer office support cooperations and projects across the entire breadth of the university’s disciplines. This spans from start-up founding, the usage of inventions, or the provision of experts and leaders, to the coordination of school projects, the management of the university’s foundation, and university fundraising.

The Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship (LEMEX) held by Professor Jörg Freiling passes on relevant theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of start-up establishment and company founding within several classes.

Further Information: (in German only) (in German only) (in German only)


Head of UniTransfer / BRIDGE Managing Director
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60330
Email: martin.heinleinprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Meike Goos
UniTransfer / BRIDGE Start-up Support
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60346
Email: meike.goosprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

When creating a start-up was still possible without a mask: A scene from CAMPUSiDEEN 2019 – a successful start-up competition that supports business ideas. Photo: Frank Pusch