ifib Launches Project on Handling Data in Digital Education

The government is funding the “All is data” project with 1.1 million euros. The Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH at the University of Bremen is carrying out the research together with the University of Cologne and the TU Kaiserslautern.

How is data created, used and connected? In the frame of digitalization, the answers to these questions are being more important for all areas of life. This also applies to schools.
Data, for example from virtual learning scenarios or from information and performance data systems, are making educators face new challenges when creating lessons and in the field of school development. With regard to this, not only how data is created is important, but especially how data-supported education processes, thus teaching and learning themselves, can be formed.

Designing Digitalization

Professor Andreas Breiter from ifib sees great potential for digital education in schools: “Digitalization will no longer go away, and the transformation is malleable and can be formed.” The possible use of data-supported decisions in the education sector is a topic of the transdisciplinary collaboration project with researchers from the fields of education and computer science. The project, which is being funded with 1.1 million euros from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, is being coordinated by Professor Mandy Schiefner-Rohs from the TU Kaiserslautern.
From a theoretical perspective on practice, the researchers are reconstructing how teaching staff are handling data in their day-to-day lives. They are also carrying out empirical research into how teaching, learning, and education processes are designed for the sensitization to datafication and which organizational peculiarities are brought about by educational offers across lessons. Additionally, they are creating education concepts and are accompanying their implementation in schools.

Results Can Be Used by Teachers

The results of the research project, which has a planned duration of three and a half years, are contributing to the current discussion of the direction of media competence and media education at schools. Furthermore, the researchers are explicitly developing advanced training events for teachers and are thus supporting a stronger implementation of data education in schools.
The collaborative project is being funded in the frame of the “Designing Education Processes Under Conditions of Digital Transformation” (Gestaltung von Bildungsprozessen unter den Bedingungen des digitalen Wandels”) (Digitalization II) notification from the BMBF and officially began on May 1, 2020.

Further Information:

ifib-Blog: https://www.ifib.de/blog/index.php/site/category/all_is_data (in German only)

Project on the BMBF website: www.empirische-bildungsforschung-bmbf.de/de/3081.php (in German only)


Prof. Dr. Andreas Breiter
ifib – Institute for Information Management Bremen GmbH
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-56571
Email: abreiterprotect me ?!ifibprotect me ?!.de




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