Information Week for Prospective Students

From Monday, June 13 to Friday, June 15, 2022, prospective students are invited to find out everything about studying at the University of Bremen. Around 50 bachelor’s programs will be presented at the online Information Week for Prospective Students.

How does one become a marine biologist? During the Information Week, one teaching graduate will explain how he found his way into this career field by following some winding paths. Videos on topics such as image manipulation or optimization in industrial mathematics will provide insight into learning contents of computer science and mathematical degree programs. Additionally, female students of (marine) geosciences will share videos about their studies. Information about the study structure in the teaching profession, BAFöG financing, and foreign languages for studying will round off the degree program introductions. The Central Student Advisory Service will also explain the application process and the structure of the bachelor's and master's degree programs at additional events.

The degree in Professional Education - Nursing Science will also be presented during the information week. Anyone who has completed nursing training can apply for this vocational school teaching program.
The Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research will also offer information on paths into the German teaching profession for people with a teaching degree from abroad and inform bachelor's students from other university locations about the admission requirements for the Master of Education at the University of Bremen.
Prospective students from Ukraine and other countries can find information in German and English on how to get a place to study at the University of Bremen.

From “Inside Uni” to Virtual Campus Tours

Students will provide an insight into their day-to-day lives whilst studying as part of the “Inside Uni” series. Various fields of study and work will be presented. The website also features videos explaining how to apply for a place at university, what to look out for in terms of numerus clausus, and what the difference is between a university and a university of applied sciences. The university campus can be explored on a virtual tour.
The University of Bremen's Central Student Advisory Service, as the organizer of the Information Week, will be available to answer questions during a Zoom consultation on Wednesday, June 15, from 2 to 4 p.m., and on Thursday, June 16, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Further Information:

All events can be found on the schedule at (in German only).
Information on further orientation offers and events for prospective students can be found here:



Betina da Rocha
Central Student Advisory Service
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61152
Email: zsbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


From Monday, June 13 to Friday, June 15, 2022, prospective students are invited to find out everything about studying at the University of Bremen.