Kick-Off for "Productive and Imaginative Collaboration"

At a welcome event on April 26, 2023, the newly appointed professors from the year 2022 not only got to know the university better, but also each other.

"I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to all new appointees at the University of Bremen. Your refreshing 'outside view,' your impulses, and ideas for teaching and research are very important to us. In this respect, I look forward to this networking meeting and getting to know you. I would like to wish us productive and imaginative collaboration in the future." With these words, President Prof. Dr. Jutta Günther welcomed the newly appointed professors from 2022 at a welcoming event on April 26, 2023.

Nine newly appointed professors from six faculties attended the event and got to know the University Executive Board members and the gender equality officer in a relaxed atmosphere. Short presentations by representatives of the university's high-profile areas – from materials sciences to marine, polar and climate research – gave the new appointees an opportunity to identify points of contact and ideas for their own work. Finally yet importantly, the meeting also served to connect the participants with each other, which continued after the event in a relaxed setting at Bremen's Ratskeller.

[Translate to English:]
Nine newly appointed professors from six faculties attended the event and got to know the University Executive Board members, the gender equality officer and representatives of the university's high-profile areas in a relaxed atmosphere.