Kids’ University: Online Lectures and Workshops on Campus

The University of Bremen invites you to the renowned Kids' University from May 30, to June 7, 2022. Girls and boys between the ages of 8 and 12 can discover exciting areas of research together with scientists – on campus and digitally.

What does music have to do with mathematics? How can you save the rainforest with chocolate? These are some of the questions addressed in the lectures that will take place from May 30, to June 3, 2022. To enable as many interested people as possible to take part, the lectures will once again be held online this year. Teachers and their school classes (3rd to 6th grade) can register now via the Kids' University website at The online lectures are free of charge.

June 7: Workshops on Campus

The Kids' University workshops will take place on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, on campus – that is, on the Bremen bank holiday after Pentecost. Here, girls and boys can become junior researchers themselves. They can solve a criminal case as a team, find out how robots learn, experience how pictures are taken of the inside of the body, or conduct experiments on the subject of climate and ice. The workshops will take place in small groups of up to 20 people. Tickets are available for 1 Euro online via the Kids' University website at or directly from Nordwest Ticket.

The Kids' University is organized by the University & School Transfer Office of the University of Bremen. Numerous dedicated researchers from the university and the institutes in the Technologiepark Uni Bremen contribute the individual lectures and workshops. The Kids' University is financially supported by Sparkasse Bremen.


Further Information:



Dr.. Kerstin Ksionzek
Administrative Unit UniTransfer, University & School Transfer Office
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60393
Email: kerstin.ksionzekprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two girls sit at a table and work with colorful geometric shapes. In the background you can see other children.
Two girls do a puzzle at a Kids' University math workshop.