Language Centre Offers Courses for Everyone

The Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen is offering a diverse online program in March 2021. Those who are thinking about refreshing their language skills or even learning a new language, are in the right place. All interested people in Bremen can take park and register now.

From Arabic to Russian: One to two-week intensive courses are being offered for 13 different languages. The classes are closely supervised by teachers via learning platforms and video conferences.
There are new beginner’s courses for Italian, Polish, Russian, and Portuguese. The five-day courses at the University of Bremen will offer an intensive insight into language and culture and are recognized as paid educational leave according to the educational leave law in Bremen. This also applies to English B1 courses.

Individual Learning Tempo in Tutor Program

There will also be the chance to improve your English skills: The Languages Centre is offering intensive two-week courses from level B2 (general language) to level C1 (academic English and subject-specific English), which can also serve the purpose of being proof of language skills for university registration.
A further service on offer is the tutor program, in which languages can be autonomously learnt with individual support. Learning goals, tempo, and materials will be decided upon by the learners together with the tutors.
Feedback for all types of English texts and further support for writing in English is provided by the WRITER’S HELP DESK where you can make an appointment for an individual online consultation.

Further Information:



Dr. Anikó Brandt
Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218.61993


Würfel mit Buchstaben
Von Chinesisch bis Russisch: Ein- bis zweiwöchige Intensivsprachkurse werden für zehn Sprachen angeboten