Learning Languages in the Summer Semester

From Arabic to Japanese and Portuguese to Turkish, after Easter, the semester courses for different levels of 19 languages start at the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB). The courses are open to auditing students and, with a few exceptions, will take place in person.

The range of subject-related English courses is particularly wide, including “Technical English,” “English for Natural Science and Engineering,” and “English for Business Studies and Economics.” These courses are often associated with the option of obtaining a B2 or C1 certificate. The heritage-language courses for Kurdish, Polish, Russian, and Turkish are aimed at students who acquired these languages at home and want to improve their skills in an academic context. These courses are free of charge for University of Bremen students.

An intensive preparatory course for Italian is aimed at people planning a period of study in Italy. Another new course is the multilingual “Double Pack of Slavic Languages” (Slawische Sprachen im Doppelpack). Here, interested parties can learn the basics of Polish and Croatian at the same time. The similarities between the languages are used to facilitate learning in the sense of multilingualism didactics.

Opportunities for Independent Language Learning and Coaching

The tutoring program supports independent language learning with individual coaching. Language cafés, workshops, and book clubs take place in the language self-learning center in the GW2 building of the university. Assistance with writing in English is offered by the Writer’s Help Desk with one-on-one consultations by appointment. These offers are free of charge for students of the University of Bremen.

Learn German with an International Summer Course

Summer language courses will be held from July 31 to August 25 for international students, prospective students with university entrance qualifications, and university graduates. In 25 hours of lessons per week with language cafés and pronunciation training, participants at levels A1 to C1 can learn German or improve their skills. Registration is possible until July 1 on the Language Centre website.

Further Information:

Contact via email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two students work with a dictionary.
In the summer language courses participants at levels A1 to C1 can learn German or improve their skills.