Classes at the University of Bremen Still Online

Classes at the University of Bremen will continue to take place digitally. The current regulation is being extended until January 31, 2021. The universities in the state of Bremen agreed on this with the Senator for Science, based on the national regulations.

Classes that can be digitalized will take place online until the end of the semester. Formats that cannot be digitalized, such as laboratory sessions and similar, cannot be offered as face-to-face formats in the period until January 31, 2021. Face-to-face examinations that were to take place in January will be postponed or be replaced with digital formats.

An exception to the regulations was able to be attained for final bachelor’s and master’s theses that are dependent on university resources, for example laboratories. On a case-to-case basis, such work is possible again. Affected students are asked to contact their supervisor to discuss the details.

Learning Spaces and Catering Offers Remain Closed, Library Opens Loaning Service

Bookable student-learning spaces on campus will initially remain closed until the end of January. This also applies to learning spaces in Bremen State and University Library (SuUB). On the contrary, the loaning of books and other basic services can be used again from January 13, onwards. The Central Library and Juridicum Library will also be open to a restricted numbers of users. Detailed information can be found on the SuUB website. All catering offers from Bremen Student Services Organization will remain closed in January.



Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister
Vice President Academic
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60030
Email: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


University Glas Hall Buildingshalle