LIFE: Flexible Further Training at the University of Bremen

Further training at the University of Bremen: The application phase for the further training program LIFE is open until March 15, 2021. Due to corona, many offers will be digitally available. An online information event on March 3, 2021, will explain more about the contents and perspectives.

Studying and further training have also changed thanks to corona. Digital learning formats are becoming ever more popular. Those who work, job seekers, and all other interested persons can now profit from this development in the LIFE further training program. They will now have the chance to take part in regular bachelor’s and master’s modules for their work-based or personal further training – and can in this way easily turn their living room into a lecture hall. Lectures can be streamed and video conferences will be used for the participation in sessions and seminars.

LIFE has offers in the areas of “computer science, digital media and digitalization,” “aerospace technology, energy systems and process engineering,” and also “health and healthcare.” The participants have the opportunity to take exams and acquire internationally recognized credit points, that can then in turn be put towards other further training courses or a degree. Interested? An online event on March 3, 2021 (5 p.m. – 7 p.m.) will provide insight into the contents and perspectives of the program. Applications for the summer semester can be submitted until March 15, 2021.

Further information: (in German only)


Katrin Heins
Academy of Continuing Education
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61602
Email: kheinsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de




Lecture hall at home. With the flexible LIFE further training program at the University of Bremen, bachelor’s and master’s modules can be taken for career-based development.