District Scavenger Hunt and Robot Programing

The University of Bremen is coordinating the regional “meerMINT” cluster, which is being financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The activities on offer span from district scavenger hunts to robot programing and jam sessions. Children between the ages of 10 and 16 can take part.

In the MINT cluster entitled “meerMINT-Freizeitangebote für Jugendliche in Bremen und umzu” (“meerMINT” in short), children and young people can experience and investigate science, technology, engineering, and math – so-called STEM subjects (“MINT” in German) – together with supervisors. The activities include puzzling, programing, researching, experimenting, and crafting. The workshops also take place close to home. The sessions focus on current issues and matters from the day-to-day lives of the children and youths.

meerMINT Docks at Four Locations in Bremen State.

There are activities on offer for differing age groups at four locations in Bremen State – the so-called meerMINT Docks. All activities are free of charge and no previous knowledge is required. The meerMINT Docks with the different activity offers and specializations can be found in Bremerhaven, (PHÄNOMENTA Bremerhaven), Bremen Nord (Jacobs University), Gröpelingen, and Vahr (M2C - Digital Impact Labs).

Shaping the Future Together with Children and Youths

Additionally, more in-depth offers and meerMINT clubs are being created together with the children’s help and ideas.

Further Information:

Information and registration: www.meermint.de  (only available in German)


Dr. Hanne Ballhausen
meerMINT Cluster Management
Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-57106
Email: hanne.ballhausenprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

A boy is sitting on a chair with an electrode cap on his head. A young woman stands next to him and works on the cap. Another young woman is watching on the right.
Participants at one of the first meerMINT workshops called “Brain + Body = Dream Team” at Dock Nord.