Milestone for Dual PhD Program for Teacher Education

The Academic Senate Research Committee has recognized the Dual PhD program offered by the Center for Teacher Education and Education Research (ZfLB) as the first structured PhD program at the University of Bremen.

The Dual PhD program for teacher education in Bremen is a one of a kind qualification program for all teacher education graduates in Germany. The doctoral program from the Center for Teacher Education and Education Research and the Bremen State Institute for Schools (LIS) makes it possible for future teachers to combine their practical teacher-training phase with a PhD.

Recognition as a Structured PhD Program

“It is an important step to recognize doctoral programs such as the DUAL PhD program in teacher education,” states Professor Jutta Günther, vice president research. “I am happy that this innovative qualification pathway that we have made possible in Bremen has received recognition as a structured PhD program. That is additionally a motivating factor for the second group of dual PhD students.”

The Dual PhD program is the first structured PhD program with university recognition in Bremen. Professor Sabine Doff, who is head of the project, welcomes the positive decision: “It send an important message for teacher education within the university and is also a significant step for networking with other universities and institutes.” The recognition as a structured PhD program at the University of Bremen is a further milestone for the Dual PhD program, science, and schools in terms of teacher education.

Selection Process for Second Cohort Completed

The selection process for the second cohort was completed in July. They will begin their work in January 2021. The selection committee was able to choose eight dedicated scholarship recipients who have above-average qualifications in this round. Of the eight scholarships, two are being given to the field of vocational education for the first time. The research projects of the dual PhD students from the second cohort cover a wide range of disciplines and topics. Current and highly relevant questions regarding school and lesson development, as well as society from a didactical perspective, are being placed on the research horizon.

Further Information:


Dr. Ann Kristin Haverich
Scientific Coordinator
Center for Teacher Education and Education research (ZfLB)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-61903
Email: haverichprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



[Translate to English:] Teacher in a Classroom