New Mobile Networks for Industry

The mobile networks of the future are vital for German industry. Researching and testing the application of such networks together with industry is the aim of the Industrial Radio Lab Germany project. The field of communication engineering at the University of Bremen is playing a decisive role.

No one is really able to picture the communication networks of the future – yet intense working is already being carried out on them. The Department of Communications Engineering at the University of Bremen, which is led by Professor Armin Dekorsky, is researching the foundations and application of 5G and 6G networks, which are becoming ever more important in industrial day-to-day life. The working group is now involved in a new project. Within the Industrial Radio Lab Germany(IRLG) project, the team will mainly develop specific network technologies for production and manufacturing together with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

More than 1.1 Million Euros Funding for Bremen

“Solely in the next 4.5 funding years, our department will receive more than 1.1 million euros,” states Professor Dekorsky happily. “We will be able to fund two scientific assistant jobs, as well as jobs for students who can then write their final thesis with us.” In detail, IRLG deals with using the Internet of Things for German industry. “Due to the circumstance that the devices and components in production are increasingly connected to each other, entirely new production chains are possible. Highly modern mobile network technologies are the ultimate factor,” explains Dekorsky. The project focusses on how these technologies can be utilized in enterprises.

The scientists in the laboratory network are working on this. Alongside the University of Bremen, working groups from the TU Dresden, the TU Kaiserslautern, and the Institute for Automation and Communication (ifak) in Magdeburg are involved. The laboratories are making their resources and infrastructure available to companies for joint research. The efficient development of demonstrators and products in the field of mobile communication – for example, based on 5G – is initially being made possible for the companies. Each laboratory has an individual research emphasis.

Industry Can Use University Research Laboratories

“The small and medium-sized German companies are to profit from our solution approaches so that they can put their innovations on the market quicker. Innovation approaches from large companies will be included,” explained Frank Bittner, the Department of Communications Engineering research manager. “The progression of digitalization enables an increase in efficiency and thus savings in terms of energy and goods. Above all, it offers entirely new business approaches where industry applications and products can be linked with innovative data services.”

The linking between humans, machines, and products must be efficient, secure, and easily usable in the production facilities, between production facilities, and with global internet servers. “The implementation of functioning and secure mobile communication is an important driving force for innovation,” states Bittner. Industries such as automation, robotics, logistics, air and space travel, or water management could profit from this soon.

Joint Work – Digital Hub Industry

In Bremen, the Digital Hub Industry is playing a greater role in the frame of the IRLG project. It is the name of a large building complex in the Technology Park, right next to the university, for which the foundation stone has just been laid. “Alongside industrial companies and start-ups from the hanseatic city, we will also move into rooms there,” says Professor Dekorsky. “We want to work side by side with the companies within the IRLG project there. We aim for nothing less than securing German dominance in the industrial automation and digitalization sectors with first-class application solutions.”

Further Information:


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Dekorsy
Department of Communications Engineering
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62400
Email: dekorsyprotect me ?!ant.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dip.-Ing. Frank Bittner
Department of Communications Engineering
Faculty of Physics/Electrical Engineering
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-62375
Email: bittnerprotect me ?!ant.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

New mobile network systems for industry: Communication engineers from the University of Bremen play an important role in the Industrial Radio Lab Germany project.