New Scenic Reading on Bremen’s Post-War History

Bremen’s immediate postwar history is the theme of the scenic reading “Bremen Ahead! From the ‘Bremen Enclave’ to an Independent State (1945–1947).” As part of the series “From the Files to the Stage,” the reading will premiere on November 21 at 7 p.m. in the Bremen Parliament House banquet room.

A total of 75 years ago, the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen once again became an independent state with the two cities of Bremen and Bremerhaven. On October 22, 1947, the new state constitution entered into force, which has been valid from 2019 to the present day.

But how did Bremen become an independent federal state again after the Second World War? What hurdles had to be overcome – at a time when people in the devastated cities were suffering primarily from hunger, cold, and housing shortages? What role did the Allied forces play? And why did the Allied forces refuse to approve a constitution passed by the citizens in 1946?

The new piece in the series “From the Files to the Stage” traces the path to today’s federal state of Bremen. The reading presents the protagonists involved in this process of democratization.

The 19th Project of the Award-Winning Series 

“Bremen Ahead!” is the 19th project of this award-winning series. “From the Files to the Stage” is a historical theater project from the University of Bremen, led by Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros and the bremer shakespeare company (bsc). The concept: history students research historical sources, Peter Lüchinger of the bsc prepares the text for the dramatic reading, and the actors bring it to life on stage.

In addition to the dates listed below in Bremen, there will also be a reading at Bremen’s state representation in Berlin on Wednesday, November 23 – initiated and supported by the Bremen parliament and the state representation in Berlin. Bremen’s mayor Andreas Bovenschulte will also attend the performance in the German capital. 

This day is also an anniversary for the project, as “From the Files to the Stage” was performed for the first time in the jury courtroom of the Bremen Regional Court exactly 15 years ago.

The series is supported by the Bremen state archives, the alumni association of the University of Bremen, the Manfred and Ursula Fluß Foundation, the Schwelle Foundation, Sparkasse Bremen, the Wolfgang-Ritter Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, and the University of Bremen Foundation. 


“Bremen ahead! From the ‘Bremen Enclave’ to an Independent State (1945–1947)”

Monday, November 21 (7 p.m.)
Monday, December 12
Wednesday, December 14

Each day at 7 p.m. respectively, in the Bremen Parliament House banquet room

Further Information:


Dr. Eva Schöck-Quinteros
Institute of History
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67251
Email: esqprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



Altes Foto
Group photo with lady: the photo from 1948 shows the Senate Kaisen II. For the first time in the history of the Bremen Senate since 1945, there was a woman in the cabinet with Health Minister Käthe Popall (KPD).