International Marine Geosciences

Rising sea levels, CO2 storage in the oceans, possible consequences of deep sea mining. These and other pressing issues of the future are on the curriculum of the new international Marine Geosciences bachelor’s degree at the University of Bremen. Applications can be submitted until July 31, 2021.

“The Marine Geosciences bachelor’s degree program is ideal for dedicated students who are interested in the ocean and its natural environment, dynamics, and the effects of human activities and those who want to help to find solutions for urgent problems in the marine world,” says Heiko Pälike, professor of paleoceanography within the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Bremen.
Those who study marine sciences also dive into the world of climate research. The topic of climate change covers all parts of society and researchers from different disciplines are investigating the current effects and those in the future. The University of Bremen - with its top-class expertise in climate and marine research - is a fantastic place for such a degree.

Degree for a Career in Climate Protection  

The international Marine Geosciences bachelor’s degree passes on basic, scientifically founded understanding of the Earth system with a focus on the oceans. “Our graduates will be able to contribute to the sustainable development of our habitat in their careers,” states Professor Pälike convinced.
The degree prepares students for a breadth of jobs and makes careers in many sectors possible: consulting in marine geoscientific companies, activities in the offshore industry and at ports, coastal management, marine geotechnology, in institutes, and within authorities.
The bachelor’s certificate is the first degree-based vocational qualification in geosciences. At the same time, the bachelor’s degree also enables graduates to go on to enter a master’s program.

Further Information:



Prof. Dr. Heiko Pälike
Faculty of Geosciences
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
University of Bremen
Phone:  +49 421 218-65980
Email: hpaelikeprotect me ?!marumprotect me ?!.de

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