New Professor of Digital Administration

Professor of Information Systems Niehaves assumes the endowed professorship “Digital Transformation of Public Services” at the University of Bremen, financed by the Bremen Finance Department and the IT service provider Dataport. It is located in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The endowed professorship is intended to develop innovative courses at the university for bachelor and master students in the field of business and administrative informatics and incorporate them into the corresponding study programs. In addition, the establishment of a structured doctoral program with practical training in cooperation with Bremen’s administration is planned.

New “Digital Public” Working Group

Niehaves is also head of the new “Digital Public” working group. The team is currently researching developments and applications in artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, as well as technology acceptance in public administrations, smart cities, civil society, and the economy.

Professor Niehaves: “How can digital technologies be used in the public sector to support a comprehensive transformation process and to seize the opportunities presented by the transformation? My team and I at the University of Bremen are working on this, from specific smart, technical solutions, to innovative services and business models, through to supporting the strategic transformation processes of entire cities. Interdisciplinary networking and close cooperation with industry and administration in practice are essential here. These are areas in which the University of Bremen is impressively strong and offers us excellent framework conditions.”

Councillor of Finance Hagen: “Professor Niehaves has come to the University of Bremen at exactly the right time”

Councillor of Finance Dr. Martin Hagen, responsible for the digitization of Bremen’s administration: “Bremen’s administration is already digital in many areas and offers numerous services online. Many people already use these services. Bremen has high usage figures compared to the national average and its citizens are the most satisfied with the online services. Nevertheless, we are far from finished when it comes to the digitization of the administration. Professor Björn Niehaves has come to the University of Bremen at exactly the right time. I hope there will be a lot of impetus that will bring Bremen’s administration further forward in terms of digitization and bring real benefits to the people of the state.”

Dr. Johann Bizer, Chief Executive Officer of Dataport, says: “Public administration faces a variety of challenges that it will only overcome with a determined digital transformation. The work of the endowed professorship of Professor Niehaves will help to make future-oriented digital technologies and approaches such as AI and open government even more usable for the administration. As a public IT service provider, we look forward to a close exchange between academia and practice and to using the expertise generated in Bremen for the digital transformation of administration.”

President Günther: “Strengthening administrative informatics is important for the University of Bremen”

Professor Jutta Günther, President of the University of Bremen: “The University of Bremen is known for its excellent work on artificial intelligence and robotics. This endowed professorship now explicitly focuses on the digitization of public administration. Strengthening administrative informatics is important for the University of Bremen in order to continue successful scientific projects, in particular the close research cooperation between the Institute for Information Management Bremen and Bremen’s administration, which is an excellent example of knowledge and technology transfer on an equal footing.”

Further Information:


Anke Semrau
Head of Unit, Rector’s Office/Bureau for Rectorate Affairs
University of Bremen
Room: VWG 2199
Tel.: +49 421 218-60110
Email: asemrauprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:]
Councillor of Finance Dr. Hagen, Prof. Dr. Niehaves, Rektorin Prof. Dr. Günther, Dr. Bizer (Dataport) (from the left)