New YUFE Job Portal Online

The alliance wants to simplify searching for a job with a new, joint job portal from all ten YUFE universities.

In a first phase of the launch, select job advertisements from all YUFE partner institutions will be published in the portal and thus, in one place. In the future, other educational institutions, research institutes, companies, public institutions, and non-governmental organizations are to be able to publish their open positions and funding opportunities in the YUFE Job Portal.

“We are sure that staff on all career levels are key for the successful establishment and construction of our European university,” says the Vice President International from the University of Bremen, Professor Eva-Maria Feichtner. “With our joint job portal, we are making the search for a job easier in YUFE regions for our students and staff. The job portal is a collaborative business card and shows our dedication to career development within the alliance and the YUFE regions.”

About YUFE

The Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Alliance brings together ten young research-intensive universities – including the University of Bremen – from as many European countries and four non-academic partners. They are committed to creating the leading model of a student-centered, open, and inclusive European university. In the network students, university management, and staff from within and outside academia work side by side to contribute to a more equitable, diverse, and effective education system in Europe and globally. The EU, DAAD, and Bremen State are funding the alliance.

The Vision

YUFE ’s vision is to enable students to compile their own curriculum from courses offered across the ten universities towards a YUFE Certificate and, in the future, a true European degree. In addition, the YUFE Virtual Campus will host all the members’ online course offers. The official language is English, but students will be able to learn the language of the host country that they visit, either physically or virtually. They will also have opportunity to volunteer or complete internships within YUFE .  

Exchange and Further Training Opportunities for Staff

YUFE is not only attractive for students. The alliance offers exchange and further training opportunities for staff from academia, administration, and technical fields. The first YUFE post-doctoral researcher posts have already been filled and a further round of job advertisements will commence in the fall. Additionally, there are digital events and further training sessions on offer for all university staff. When we are able to travel again, exchange trips for all are to be possible. YUFE will connect the towns and regions involved, as well as promote cooperation and communication.


Further Information:

The new YUFE job portal:



Enkhsaruul Brito
YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe
Staff Journey Coordinator
Administrative Unit 12 - Research Services
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60318
Email: enkhsaruul.britoprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:]
With the new job portal, all ten YUFE universities, their partners, and regions will have the long-term opportunity to publish their job advertisements and funding opportunities across Europe in one place.