“Still Analogue Or Are You Already Living?”

Many people know him: Nœrdman. The nerd from Northern Germany. He makes us smirk with his comics on social media. The creators of Nœrdman, Professor Rolf Drechsler and Dr. Jannis Stoppe, have now published their first book with the character. There’s a lot to learn and to laugh about.

“It’s basically a given that we all live our daily lives with smartphones, emails, social media, and are digitally connected,” says Drechsler, who is not only a computer science professor but also a head of department at the German Research Center for Artificial intelligence (DFKI). “That’s why we should actively deal with how this technology works.” Even if we thought derogatorily of nerds at an earlier point in time, most of us are now fascinated by computers. In the amusing ten chapters of the book, one can find out more about the background of digitalization and its technologies. How dependent are we on smartphones and social media? Can we still relax in a world without technology? How will technology develop? Those are all questions that Drechsler and Stoppe answer.

“Many Things Can Be Communicated Well to Laypersons”

Rolf Drechsler had the idea for Nœrdman several years ago at a conference. After all, passing knowledge on is basically a matter of the heart for scientists. With Jannis Stoppe, he found a partner for the project who cannot only draw well but also enjoys developing the stories and texts about Nœrdman with the blonde tousled hair. “Many people still think that computer science is complicated. But many things can be communicated well to laypersons,” states Drechsler convinced. You do not have to be an expert. It is important to him and Jannis Stoppe that everyone shares this knowledge. “We are at the point where we need to work against the digital division,” states Drechsler. He and Stoppe wish to contribute in order to create an understanding for this.

First Nœrdman Notes Written in hotel

Jannis Stoppe and Rolf Drechsler know each other from the university. When Stoppe worked in the computer science professor’s working group, Drechsler found out by coincidence that Stoppe can draw comics. Stoppe now works as a group leader for DLR in Bremerhaven. In 2018, they both then published their first Nœrdman comic on Twitter. They now also publish weekly on Facebook and Instagram – and have also done so in English for several years now.

“Books Cannot Be Replaced”

But why are Drechsler and Stoppe publishing a book in these digital times? “Books cannot be replaced,” says Drechsler. Holding a book in your hands is something entirely different in a sensory manner. Something like that must remain available. Yet the 118-page book will, of course, be available as an e-book, says the computer scientist with a wink.

Further Information:


Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler
Computer Architecture Working Group
Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-63932
Email:drechslerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Two men holding a picture and laughing at the camera
The creators of Nœrdman (from left): Dr. Jannis Stoppe and Professor Rolf Drechsler.