Opening of the BIBA Learning Factory

Designing an environmentally friendly pump that will later be used in the Blockland nature reserve in the surrounding area of Bremen – this is something students in the Faculty of Production Engineering can do as part of the "Lernfabrik" sponsored by the Brede Foundation. It was opened on June 1.

The Brede Learning Factory is located at BIBA – Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH. As part of the "Product and Process Planning for Energy-Efficient Production" course, students enrolled in the master's degree programs in Production Technology and Industrial Engineering have the opportunity to implement research-based learning in an application-oriented manner and to work on something practical. In cooperation with BUND – German Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation, student project teams will each design and manufacture a solar irrigation system to water the breeding grounds of lapwings, curlews, and black-tailed godwits in the Blockland area.

University President Professor Jutta Günther thanked the Brede Foundation for its generous financial support, which made it possible to launch the Learning Factory. The project is a successful example of research-based learning: "The Learning Factory will offer many students in the Faculty of Production Engineering the opportunity to enrich their studies with practical experience. It is not only lapwings and black-tailed godwits whose breeding grounds are preserved by solar irrigation that will benefit from this. It also benefits the students, who can apply their knowledge and skills in a practical context."

The Brede Learning Factory consists of seven mini-factories that are powered in real time by renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. In the course of the project, students will learn in particular how to sustainably plan and implement the production of a product according to energy aspects. In addition to teaching new content and methods, as well as the added social value through the preservation of flora and fauna, the Learning Factory project is also a good example of an all-round successful cooperation between private sponsors and the University of Bremen.

Further Information:



Dr.-Ing. Matthias Burwinkel
BIBA Bremen Institute for Production and Logistics GmbH
Phone: +49 421 218-50140
Email: burprotect me ?!biba.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:] Jendrik Hemmen, Gleb Brede, Jutta Günther, Elisabetha Dorothee Brede, Angelika Elfers, Carsten Elfers, Jürgen Christian Brede, Arno Schoppenhorst (BUND), Matthias Burwinkel (BIBA).
From left: Jendrik Hemmen, Gleb Brede, Jutta Günther, Elisabetha Dorothee Brede, Angelika Elfers, Carsten Elfers, Jürgen Christian Brede, Arno Schoppenhorst (BUND), Matthias Burwinkel (BIBA)