Orientation Week on Campus

The University of Bremen is welcoming its first-semester students on campus again this year. The orientation week, in short o-week, will take place from Monday, October 11 to Friday, October 15 - one week before the face-to-face lectures start.

The orientation weeks provides students with everything they need to know at the beginning. Alongside traditional introductions to study disciplines, there will be campus tour and chances to get to know people. And of course, a first-semester party in the Mensa cafeteria is on the program again. The university will host the event on October 22, 2021.

Corona Regulations Apply

In order to enable this important piece of normality for young students despite corona, a great deal of organizational features are needed. The 3G rule must be strictly adhered to at the university. In order for students to be able to move “freely” in the buildings and take a first look at a lecture hall, daily access wristbands will be distributed. In this way, the 3G status is always ensured. The university is using the “Gast-Bremen” app for contact-chain reconstruction in the introductory classes. There are QR codes in the classrooms that can easily be scanned.

Vaccination Campaign on Campus

As a high vaccination rate is required for a safe in-person semester, the University of Bremen has organized a vaccination campaign on campus for during the orientation week. Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Monday, October 11, and Tuesday, October 12, as well as between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Monday, October 18, and Tuesday, October 19, a vaccination truck will be parked on campus. Unvaccinated persons can get their vaccination with either the Johnson & Johnson vaccine or the BioNTech vaccine there. Students from non-EU countries, who have received a vaccination with a non-EU-approved vaccine, can be vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine four week after their last vaccination there.

Further Information:

Much like in the last years, students can find out everything about their degree start from the University of Bremen’s Uni-Start Portal (https://www.uni-bremen.de/en/uni-start) and can receive support with any questions or problems they may have there.

Orientation Week: www.uni-bremen.de/O-Woche

Party in the Mensa cafeteria on October 22: Doors open at 7 p.m. and the party starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are limited due to current regulations. Free ticket sales start on October 13, 2021. Remaining tickets can be bought on the night. Tickets: https://www.nordwest-ticket.de/thema/begruessungsveranstaltung-fuer-erstsemester and https://www.ticketmaster.de/event/433967?language=de-de&track=DiscoveryAPI&subchannel_id=10084&camefrom=de_nordwest_shop_hp&brand=de_nwt.

Proof of 3G status (vaccinated, recovered, or tested (max. 24 hours old)) is required for entry.


Betina da Rocha
Central Student Advisory Services
University of Bremen
Phone: 0421 421 218-61152
Email: darochaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The orientation weeks provides students with everything they need to know at the beginning. Alongside traditional introductions to study disciplines, there will be campus tour and chances to get to know people.