KIWI: Success in Just a Few Swipes

Digitization and robotics are changing the world of work, making continuing education and orientation vital. As part of the KIWI project, a team from the University of Bremen is developing a VR training environment and AI-supported career and training recommendations inspired by dating apps.

The aim of the KIWI project at the University of Bremen is to provide an accessible option in the form of a smartphone app. Independently of the employer, it should be possible to gain an individually tailored insight into the diversity of the continuing training market and stay up-to-date in the process. At the same time, the project team is developing an option for using learning content or typical job scenarios in a virtual-reality environment with their own smartphone. For example, collaborative robotics can be initiated without a real robot being available.

The project acronym KIWI stands for “Künstliche Intelligenz für passgenaue Fort- und Weiterbildung zur Stärkung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit bei fortschreitender digitaler Durchdringung der Produktion im Kontext von Industrie 4.0” (“Artificial intelligence for tailored training and continuing education to strengthen employability in the context of advancing digital penetration of production in the context of Industry 4.0”). The project is one of the winners of the INVITE innovation competition organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The aim of the competition is to advance the amount of digital continuing education on offer.

Cooperation Between Universities and Industry

For the research project, the Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering (bime) and the Institute of Technology and Education (ITB) of the University of Bremen are cooperating with the company apps-lab UG. The bime combines the research areas of manufacturing facilities, structural mechanics, and process-oriented technology design. One focus is the area of collaborative robotics, in which approaches to virtual commissioning are being examined.

The ITB has been working intensively on vocational training research and can bring the required expertise to the project for the interrelationship between technology, work, and education. apps-lab UG’s contribution is with its experience in the platform-as-a-service area – the term refers to the development and provision of new applications in the cloud – and it ultimately implements the solution. 

The joint focus of the project partners is on the individual matching of jobs and continuing education opportunities to the preferences of the respective users on the basis of a few questions that can be answered by swiping. AI technologies and the design of a suitable, exemplary VR scenario in the field of collaborative robotics for smartphones also play a role here.

Further Information:


Kenneth Rüstmann
Bremen Institute for Mechanical Engineering (bime)
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-64832

Daniel Weerts
Institute of Technology and Education (ITB)
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-66275
Email: weertsprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Toke Lichtenberg
apps-lab UG (limited liability)
Tel.: +49 176 95789743
E-mail: tokeprotect me ?!apps-labprotect me ?!.de


A virtual-reality scenario with collaborative robots. A project team at the University of Bremen is developing an app that uses such technologies to help with continuing education and career choice.