Register Now: Summer Academy for Young People

The University of Bremen is once again inviting high-achieving high school students to the Summer Academy from June 26 to 30, 2023. Registration is open now and participation is free of charge.

The courses are diverse and range from space science to linguistics. In organizing the Summer Academy, the University of Bremen cooperates with numerous partners from non-university research institutes on campus. Participants attend their chosen course for four days during the event and on the fifth day, they present their results at the public closing event. This year's choices include the following courses (which will take place in German):

•    Exploring the Earth: Ice Ages ( Faculty of Geosciences)
•    Exploring the Global Diversity of English with Digital Resources (Department of Linguistics & Literary Studies, English Linguistics)
•    Escape Games in Physics Classes: Developing and Evaluating Puzzles (Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering, Didactics of Physics)
•    Experiments in Zero Gravity - What Is Different in Space Than on Earth? (DLR_School_Lab)
•    Fit for Now and Later – Discovering and Developing Your Own Study Personality (Studierwerkstatt, University of Bremen)
•    Investigating and Reinforcing Healthy Behavior - with Psychology and Nudging (Faculty of Human & Health Sciences, Department of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurobiology)
•    Global Health: What Do Health and Illness Mean Worldwide? (Faculty of Human & Health Sciences, Global Health)
•    Good Schools, Good Teachers – What Makes Them Tick and How Do We Find that Out? Research on Schools, Teaching, and Being a Teacher (Faculty of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, Inclusive Education in cooperation with the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research ZfLB)
•    Mars Rover – Building and Programming Robots Yourself (DLR_School_Lab) With Einstein across the World: Theory of Relativity, the Solar System, and the Universe (Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity ZARM)

Applications will be accepted online until May 26, 2023. Their respective school administrators must excuse participants from regular classes for the duration of the workshops. The Summer Academy is once again sponsored by Sparkasse Bremen.

Further Information: German only) (in German only)


Isabell Harder
University – School Transfer Coordinator
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-51734
Email: isabell.harderprotect me ?!vw.uni.bremenprotect me ?!.de

Dr. Kerstin Ksionzek
University – School Transfer Coordinator
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60393
Email: kerstin.ksionzekprotect me ?!vw.uni.bremenprotect me ?!.de

[Translate to English:] Sommerakademie
The University of Bremen is once again inviting high-achieving high school students to the Summer Academy from June 26 to 30, 2023.