Register Now: Media Practice Week

Exciting events and first impressions of the communications and media sector in Bremen are being offered by the Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen from April 4 - 8, 2022. Students are once more organizing the five-day networking event this year. You can register now.

The event kicks off on Monday, April 4, 2022, at 2 p.m. at the University of Bremen theater: At the "A day in the life of...” event, several media companies will share insights into their everyday work on the big screen. Afterwards, representatives of the companies will answer questions from the audience on stage. They include, for example, the creative agency artundweise, the development department Digitale Garage from Radio Bremen, and Radio Energy.

Job Speed Dating, Experiences, and Offers for International Students

At the "Job Speed Dating" on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the MZH building of the University of Bremen, media companies from Bremen and the region will field questions from students. This is also an opportunity to make initial contacts. Among others, the media agency vomhörensehen, the platform Raumperle, the moving image agency Deichblick, the advertising agency Brandfisher, and the PR agency Maisberger will be present.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, will kick off at 10 a.m. with "Experiences" (Erfahrungsberchten”) at Klub Dialog. Whether it is a stay abroad, an internship, or a direct career start, this event will highlight different paths after graduation. Nadine Metzler (editor at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences), Marlena Witte (online editor at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research), and Christoph Wellbrock (online editor at sendefähig) will talk about their careers and share their experiences with those present.

Media Practice has also set up an event for international students: On Wednesday, April 6, 2022, the English-language event "Fair and Dine" will take place starting at 4 p.m. The aim is to enable interested parties to make contact with local companies so that they can find out about various areas of the industry. The event not only offers an introduction to the companies in English, but also invites students to a three-course meal where they can talk to company representatives. The event agency Joke Events, the creative agency artundweise, the agency for digital marketing construktiv, the online marketing agency 42 Digital, and the City Initiative Bremen as well as the University of Bremen Career Center will be among the participants.

Panel Discussion on the Future of Journalism at Klub Dialog

Under the title "The medium is the message - what does a changing media environment mean for journalism in the future?", four speakers and experts will address the challenges of journalism in the context of technological development and possible concepts for the future on Thursday, April 07, 2022. Klub Dialog will open its doors at 4 p.m. for this panel discussion.

The Media Practice Week will be rounded off by the LinkedIn Workshop on Friday, April 8, 2022. At 10 a.m., lecturer Friederike Gonzales will introduce interested parties to LinkedIn via Zoom. The event focuses on networking and self-marketing on the popular platform.

Media Practice Week is an event organized by bachelor's and master's students in the Media and Communication Studies, Digital Media and Society, and Media Culture and Globalization degree programs. This year, 34 students are organizing the program as part of the seminar Event Management - Media Practice Week 2022.

Special thanks go to the supporters, Sparkasse Bremen, manymanymotion, as well as Klub Dialog and the sponsors 42DIGITAL, bremendigitalmedia, and construktiv.

Further Information:

Due to there being limited spots under corona-conform conditions, registration for each event is required. Registration at:

or on Instagram:



Dr. Cornelia Driesen
Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research (ZeMKI)
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-67622
Email: mediapractice22protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Studio, live, broadcast, on air.
Exciting events and first impressions of the communications and media sector in Bremen are being offered by the Media Practice Week of the University of Bremen from April 4 - 8, 2022.