Corona Regulations Apply Until Middle of February

The University of Bremen will remain in digital mode. According to the recent decisions made by the government and states and the talks between the universities and the state parliament, the current regulations will be extended until the middle of February. These affect students and staff.

The current regulations for students will be extended. All classes will only take place online until the end of the lecture period. Formats that cannot be digitalized, e.g. laboratory sessions and similar, will not take place face-to-face in the period up to and including February 14. Face-to-face examinations will also not take place during this time. Exceptions are possible for those students for which a lack of access to laboratories, instruments, or similar would lead to considerable individual disadvantages in the further course of their studies. This especially applies to final theses. If this applies, students are asked to contact their supervisor in order to discuss the details.
Learning Spaces and Dining Facilities Remain Closed, Library Offers Basic Services
It will not be possible for students to work in learning spaces on campus or in the State and University Library Bremen (SuUB) until the middle of February. The loaning of books and other basic services have been made possible by the SuUB during emergency operations. Detailed information can be found on the SuUB website. All catering offers from Bremen Student Services Organization will remain closed.

Many Areas to Work from Home

The valid regulations for University of Bremen staff will also be extended until February 14. Those who can complete their tasks whilst working from home should do so. This excludes tasks that must be carried out on site in order to maintain university operations, e.g. human resource and finance processes, student and examination administration, and IT and technical operations. Research that can only take place on campus due to the required infrastructures (IT, laboratories, other equipment) may be carried out. The general hygiene and contact regulations must of course be adhered to when working on campus.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmeister
Vice President Academic
University of Bremen
Tel.: +49 421 218-60030
Email: kon2protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


University Glas Hall Buildingshalle