Sonja Bastin: Bremen Woman of the Year 2021

The sociologist Dr. Sonja Bastin from the University of Bremen has been named Bremen Woman of the Year 2021. The awarding ceremony took place digitally on March 8 – International Women’s Day.

Sonja Bastin is a scientific assistant at the SOCIUM Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy at the University of Bremen. Her fields of research include family and life course dynamics and social inequality. From a scientific perspective, she drew attention to the precarious situations in which many care givers are in, repeatedly showed how relevant care jobs are to the system, and made recommendations on measures to be taken in the past year.

Research on Care Work

Care work is mainly carried out by women, both professionally and privately, according to Bastin. “The pandemic has made it clear that our care system is not only unfair, but also unstable.” Bastin demands there be consequences and that we create an economy in which climate and care work are seen and addressed sustainably. For this reason, she is involved in the national Equal Care Day initiative and contributed to the Equal Care Manifest.

The Bremen State Women’s Council has chosen the Bremen Woman of the Year annually since 1999. In 2021, the motto of corona heroes applied. By awarding this honor, the group wishes to draw attention to the system-relevant and vital work carried out by care workers.

Further Information:


Dr. Sonja Bastin
SOCIUM – Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-66358
Email: sbastinprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Sonja Bastin: Bremer Frau des Jahres 2021
Sonja Bastin: Bremer Frau des Jahres 2021