Start Spring with Offers from the Languages Centre

Semester courses for 19 languages will soon be offered again by the Languages Centre of the Universities in the Land of Bremen (SZHB). They will begin after Easter and last 15 weeks. The courses are also open to guest students and, according to current plans, will be held in a classroom setting.

If you have always wanted to brush up on your Polish or learn a new language, the Languages Centre is the place to go. From Arabic to Korean to Spanish - there is a wide range of courses on offer.
Beginners' courses in Greek are a new addition to the program. At the present point in time, it is planned that the language courses in the summer semester, with a few exceptions, can take place in person.  

Subject-Specific Courses and Courses for Languages of Origin

The range of subject-specific courses in English (technology, natural, and social sciences, English as a business language) is particularly large and is often combined with the possibility of obtaining a certificate for the language levels B2 or C1. The internet-based TOEFL iBT course can also be taken again in the summer semester and tailor-made preparation courses will be held for this purpose. The language of origin courses for Kurdish, Polish, Russian, and Turkish are aimed at students who want to improve their language skills acquired within the family in an academic context and are free of charge for students of the University of Bremen.  

Offers for Employees and Researchers

Courses in English and French are offered for employees in administration, technology, or science. German courses are on offer for international guest researchers. Additionally, a new feature is the two-day online workshop "English for Teachers," which is aimed at teaching staff at all four Bremen universities.

Opportunities for Independent Language Learning and Coaching

The tutoring program supports independent language learning with individual, tutorial support. The Language Resource Center in GW2 Building offers language cafés, grammar tutorials, and advice on the Tapas online tandem service. Assistance with writing in English is offered by the Writer's Help Desk with individual consultation by appointment. All of these services are free of charge for students of the University of Bremen.

Further Information:

Contact via email: szhbprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Language Course
If you have always wanted to brush up on your Polish or learn a new language, the Languages Centre is the place to go. From Arabic to Korean to Spanish - there is a wide range of courses on offer.