Still Haven’t Received a Place at University – What to Do?

Haven’t got a place at the University of Bremen? Two digital events on August 26, 2022, from 10 a.m. to noon, and September 6, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., will provide information about what opportunities are still available to get a place at university for the winter semester.

These days, many high school graduates are anxiously checking their email in-boxes. The nationwide coordination office for the allocation of places at university “Hochschulstart” sends out the notifications for offers. Until August 24, Hochschulstart issued admission and rejection notifications. Important to know: at the University of Bremen, interested students can still apply for available places between September 1 and September 15.

Demand for Degree Courses Unevenly Distributed

Most applications for a place at the University of Bremen are likely to be successful, however, the demand is not equally distributed across the university’s different degree courses.
While it is easier to get a place on a technical or scientific course, with the exception of biology, due to the lack of admission restrictions, the situation is quite different in some teacher training courses or in Psychology, for example: applicants with the best average grades or the longest waiting periods will receive a place at the university.

Didn’t Get a Degree Course in Psychology – What Options Are There?

The September 6 event will focus specifically on applications for the Psychology degree course, where the number of rejections is particularly high: for Psychology, the University of Bremen received nearly 2,500 applications this year for 142 places. When looking for alternatives, there are a number of things to keep in mind due to government regulation of access to becoming a therapist. “If you want to be a therapist with a license to practice later on after studying Psychology, you have to make sure that a course of study meets the requirements of the 2020 Psychotherapeutengesetz (Psychotherapist Act),” explains student advisor Betina da Rocha. How to find that out and what alternatives are available for those who do not necessarily aspire to become a therapist will be explained in more detail in this event.

Further Information and Registration:



Betina da Rocha
Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
University of Bremen
Phone +49 421 218-61152 (61160)
Email: darochaprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


At the University of Bremen, interested students can still apply for available places between September 1 and September 15.